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GGW Care Limited

Overall: Requires improvement read more about inspection ratings

Capital Business Center, Capital Business Centre, 22 Carlton Road, South Croydon, CR2 0BS (020) 8916 2067

Provided and run by:
GGW Care Limited

Latest inspection summary

On this page

Our current view of the service

Requires improvement

Updated 24 June 2024

GGW Care Limited is a domiciliary care agency providing personal care to people living in their own homes. At the time of this assessment 23 people received a service. The service had been rated inadequate and in special measures since the report of our last inspection was published on 23 February 2024. This was because we found the service remained in breach of regulations. Our inspection report identified the provider repeatedly failed to effectively manage their governance systems, assess and monitor risk, safely manage medicines, safeguard people from abuse, recruit staff safely and train and support staff sufficiently, as well as not always treating people with respect and dignity, or as an individual. We undertook this comprehensive assessment to check the provider had followed the action plan we asked them to send us and had improved. We gave the provider 24 hours’ notice of our inspection. This was because we needed to ensure the registered manager would be in their office to support the inspection. Inspection activity started on 25 June and ended on 2 July 2024. We looked at all 5 key questions and all the quality statements. We found the provider had made enough improvement to remove the service from special measures. However, although the service had improved, we have rated them requires improvement overall and for the key questions safe and well-led. This is because the provider needs to demonstrate they can continue to improve the service over a more sustained period of time. Areas in which the service had improved since our last inspection included, effective operation of quality assurance systems; better understanding of lessons learnt when things go wrong; better protection of people from abuse; more robust recruitment checks on new staff; better training and support for staff; safer management of medicines; effective systems to assess, monitor and manage risks and treating people as individuals and with greater respect and dignity.

People's experience of the service

Updated 24 June 2024

People expressed being happy with the care they received. Feedback included, “They are probably the best [care] company I have ever had…I am happy with them,” “I feel happy and safe with all my carers” and “The carers are well-trained, very professional, and they always do a good job.” We received feedback from external health and social care professionals, who expressed being equally happy with the care their clients received. One external health care professional told us, “We were advised by a client’s relative that this provider had worked well with them to improve their [family member’s] care plan and appropriately train staff to meet their relative’s needs. They were now satisfied with the overall level of care they received, which they described as good, and wanted to continue using them.” We also spoke in-person with the registered manager and the deputy manager and made telephone contact with care staff. We found people were protected from the risk of abuse and harm. People were risk assessed and the safety and quality of care and support they received was continuously monitored and well-managed. Where staff were responsible for preparing people's meals and/or assisting them to eat and drink, people told us their dietary needs were being met. People received continuity of care from a dedicated group of suitable, well-trained, supported staff who were familiar with individuals’ needs, preferences and daily routines. People received their prescribed medicines as and when they should. People received responsive, person-centred care. People were treated with kindness, compassion and dignity and as individuals. People’s diversity was respected. People were supported to maintain their independence and do as much as they could safely. Staff ensured they communicated with people in ways they could understand. People were able to make informed choices. People were able to speak up and any concerns/complaints they raised were appropriately dealt with.