People we spoke with told us that care workers were polite and respectful. They told us they saw the same care workers regularly, that care workers were prompt and provided them with all the help and support they needed.We saw that the provider had arrangements in place that ensured people who used their service would be protected from mistreatment. The provider also had robust recruitment procedures in place as well as arrangements to monitor the quality of the service they provided.
People told us that care workers treated them with dignity and respect and provided all the help and care they needed. They told us the carers completed their personal care in a friendly and respectful manner.
One person we spoke with told us "I feel brilliant after they have been, everything is so tidy and clean and I really look forward to their visits, they are really good company".
Everyone we spoke with told us where possible they received support from a regular team of care workers and they were able to build good relationships with these people.
We spoke with two members of staff and they stated the agency had provided thorough training and gave them good support in order for them to provide effective personal care.