Updated 20 September 2024
Date of assessment: 3 October 2024 This was a responsive assessment due to concerns raised around the management and culture of the service. There was a fractious relationship amongst the leadership team which had caused internal conflict within the service, resulting in disagreements on where finances should be spent. Quality governance systems were not effective in their use as shortfalls identified were not rectified. Risks to people were not always appropriately managed which had resulted in injuries or near misses. People’s rights were not fully protected due to mental capacity assessments not being decision specific, and staff not fully understanding the principles of the Mental Capacity Act 2005. Whilst the service was generally clean and tidy, elements of the environment were not always safe. For example, a broken glass panel of the mezzanine floor which had not been repaired for four months. Following our assessment, the registered manager and nominated individual left their employment at the service. A new manager is currently in place and is in the process of applying to register with the Care Quality Commission .