- Independent mental health service
Ellern Mede Barnet
Report from 28 May 2024 assessment
Our overall rating of caring at Ellern Mede Barnet has improved and is now good. We assessed 5 quality statements. The service no longer used agency staff. Patients reported there were enough staff members and that knew how to meet their needs. Staff treated patients with compassion and kindness, respected their privacy and dignity, and understood the individual needs and preferences of patients. They actively involved patients and families and carers in care decisions and transition plans. There was a strong person-centred culture and within the service. Staff supported patients to keep in contact with family and friends. Staff said they felt positive and proud about working for the provider and their team. Staff were able to raise concerns without fear of retribution. Staff knew how to use the whistle-blowing process and about the role of the organisation’s Speak Up Guardian.