Updated 21 October 2024
Date of Assessment: 12 to 22 November 2024. The service is a care home providing support to older people, some people who were living with dementia with nursing needs. We found 3 breaches of legal regulation in relation to safe care and treatment, person-centred care and good governance. People were not always protected and made to feel safe. Risks to people were not always mitigated to prevent a deterioration in their health and well-being. Records were not always effectively maintained to evidence people received support with identified risks. Some people’s care records contained personalised details of how to support people this was not the case for all people. The service did not always detect and control risks within the environment, the risk of infection was not always managed sufficiently. Records in relation to people’s medicines were not always updated where there had been a change. Although people’s care was regularly reviewed, this was not always effective in keeping people’s care records up to date and reflective of their current care needs. Whilst we observed people to be treated with kindness and respect, feedback we received did not always support this. People were not always supported to plan important life changes, including planning their end-of-life care. The provider’s governance systems did not always identify and address areas of improvement we found during this assessment. There had not always been continuous learning. Enough improvements had not been made since the last inspection. However, we found there to be enough staff with the right skills, and experience. Managers made sure staff received training and regular supervision to maintain high-quality care. Staff worked with agencies involved in people’s care for the best outcomes. Staff made sure people understood their care and treatment to enable them to give informed consent. Staff protected people’s privacy and dignity, they treated them as individuals and supported their preferences.