- Dentist
Sensura Dental Care
All Inspections
During an assessment under our new approach
24 June 2014
During an inspection looking at part of the service
During this inspection we found that changes had been made to the decontamination process for dental instruments to ensure the risk of cross-contamination between sterile and non-sterile instruments was minimised. New checking processes were in place to make sure that the premises were hygienic. Staff were aware of their roles in protecting patients and others from the risks of infection.
We found the service was compliant with regulations known as Ionising Regulations in relation to Medical Exposure Regulations 2000 or more commonly known as the IR(ME) Regulations 2000. X-ray equipment was safe to use and worked properly. Medical equipment was stored appropriately and was within their expiry dates.
22 January 2014
During a routine inspection
Patients told us they found the practice was always clean. They said staff wore protective equipment and gloves when treating them. We saw staff wore appropriate protective equipment when decontaminating dental instruments. We saw daily cleaning check sheets for treatment rooms were completed by staff. However, we found the practice did not always follow appropriate hygiene and infection control guidance.
Staff undertook appropriate professional development training to meet the requirements of their governing body.