- Care home
Mulberry Court
Report from 3 October 2024 assessment
Our view of the service
Mulberry Court is a residential care home providing personal care and accommodation to up to 12 people living with learning disabilities or autism. At the time of our assessment, 11 people received a regulated service. We completed on-site assessment on 8 October 2024. Off site assessment activity took place between 9 October and 15 November 2024. We reviewed 3 warning notices issued in March 2024, and to assessed safe, effective and well-led key questions. At our last assessment, we found risks to people's health, safety and well-being were not always mitigated, people were not supported to have maximum choice and control, staff did not respond appropriately to abuse, and quality assurance systems did not operate effectively. These were breaches of regulation. At this assessment, quality of care plans improved, however did not always include information on how to support people’s emotional needs. We found significant improvements in medicines practice, but areas of medicines processes still needed rectification. The provider made some improvements in compliance with The Mental Capacity Act, however people’s capacity to make decisions was not always assessed or assessed in a way that did not meet legal requirements. Safeguarding systems were not embedded, and staff had not always recognised when abuse or neglect had occurred nor responded quickly to concerns. There was lack of consistency in how the service was managed. Recent change in management led to improvements in training, supervision and staff support. However, not all staff understood their roles and responsibilities, reporting of incidents, risks, issues and concerns was inconsistent. The provider remains in breach of the regulations relating to safe care and treatment, safeguarding people from the risk of abuse, consent to care and treatment, management and governance. The provider engaged with CQC and local authority. We asked the provider to submit action plans for the areas in breach of regulations.
People's experience of this service
Most people told us they felt safe with the service they received. People told us improvements were needed to the way the service was run and managed. One person told us: “I haven't seen an improvement. I think it takes time for things to get better.” People felt there had been a high turnover of staff and management. We had positive feedback about new management team. One person told us: “I know [manager’s name] from my last placement, but [they] haven't been here long. [Manager] will soon get to know all the [relatives] and everyone but that will take time.” Relatives commented: “There is a high turnover of staff, but we’ve been very lucky with [staff names] who both started the year [my loved one] moved in and know [them] very well. They are both amazing” and “[Our loved one] is very happy to stay at Mulberry. We're not saying it's perfect, but it is structured enough for [them]. Staff changes cause lots of problems. They don't offer enough to do during the day.” People expressed that they were happy with staff supporting them. One person told us: “All the staff are pretty good.” Relatives commented: “[Our loved one] likes staff and will therefore greet them all cheerily.” People and relatives told us that they were not able to go out and access the community as much as they would like and there was not enough stimulation during the day. Comments included: “There are still occasions when [our loved one] can’t leave the property because staff must stay on site to keep others safe or to prepare their meals. Sometimes staff are not medicines trained so can’t take [them] out for long”, “We have been discussing with [management] about the mental wellbeing of the residents - as not only physical care is important but their mental stimulation is vital too” and “I'd say [my loved one] is content but not fully occupied, and [they] need a sense of purpose. The new management say they'll be trying their best to make it better for [my loved one] and I really hope they will."