Updated 2 May 2024
Date of assessment: 2 May 2024. The Hermitage is a care home which can accommodate up to 24 people. At the time of our site visit, 15 people were living in the service. The service is set across 2 floors and there were a number of communal areas people could use for relaxation and socialising. There was also access to a garden, which looked to be well kept. We conducted this assessment due to receiving information of concern. We assessed 13 quality statements across the Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive and Well-led key questions and we have combined the scores for these areas with scores from the previous inspection. At this assessment we found care records did not show people were involved in the planning of their care and lacked information about their individual needs. However, staff appeared to know people well, and people were happy living in the service. Governance processes were not robust and did not identify the issues we found at this assessment. People were supported to maintain their independence and had choice and control over how they lived their lives.