Updated 10 September 2024
Caremark (Hatfield & Welwyn) is a domiciliary care agency registered to provide personal care to people in their own homes. This was the first assessment carried out under our single assessment framework. This assessment was announced. Assessment activity started on 16 September and ended on 01 October 2024. At the time of our assessment, the service was providing the regulated activity to 46 people. This assessment was carried out as we had received concerns about aspects of the safety and management of the service. We looked at a total of 9 quality statements, all of which were in the safe and well led key questions. At our last inspection (report published 06 May 2021) the service was rated Good. At this assessment we found improvements were needed with regards to staffing, staff training and governance. These were breaches in regulation. We have requested the provider submit an action plan. Quality assurance processes were not being operated effectively. Concerns found at the assessment had not been identified. Where audits and checks had been completed, these did not consistently offer accurate information or oversight. This meant that action was not taken where improvements were needed. Staff were consistently not providing care to people for the duration identified as required and scheduled. The provider and registered manager did not analyse completed call data to review the duration of call visits, or the timeliness of staff. As a result, they were unaware of the shortfalls in care delivery we found. The provider told us that the service had experienced a malicious data loss and as a result was unable to provide some evidence requested as part of this assessment. This included evidence to confirm that staff had received training as required to perform their roles. Gaps remained in records. People and relatives offered positive feedback about their experiences of the service. However, staff feedback received was mixed.