• Doctor
  • GP practice

Barton House Medical Practice Also known as Drs Payne, Robinson & Farrell

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

Barton House, Beaminster, Dorset, DT8 3EQ (01308) 861938

Provided and run by:
Barton House Medical Practice

Report from 5 December 2024 assessment


  • Overall


  • Safe


  • Effective


  • Caring


  • Responsive


  • Well-led


Our view of the service

Date of Assessment: 15 - 17 January 2025. Barton House Medical Practice is a GP practice and delivers service to 5,000 patients under a contract held with NHS England. The National General Practice Profiles states that there is a higher than average number of adults aged over 75 years old registered at this practice. Information published by Office for Health Improvement and Disparities shows that deprivation within the practice population group is in the 6th decile (6 out of 10). The lower the decile, the more deprived the practice population is relative to others. This assessment considered the demographics of the people using the service, the context the service was working within and how this impacted service delivery. Where relevant, further commentary is provided in the quality statements section of this report. This assessment covered the Responsive key question. People were involved in decisions about their care. The service provided information people could understand. People knew how to give feedback and were confident the service took it seriously and acted on it. The service was easy to access and worked to eliminate discrimination. People received fair and equal care and treatment. The service worked to reduce health and care inequalities through training and feedback. People were involved in planning their care and understood options around choosing to withdraw or not receive care.

People's experience of this service

People were positive about the quality of their care and treatment. Recent survey results, including from the National GP Patient Survey and the NHS Friends and Family Test, showed people were satisfied with services. There was an active patient participation group (PPG) who represented the views of people using the service. The PPG worked with practice staff to obtain patient feedback and make positive changes to practice where indicated. For example, we saw an improved system for booking appointments had been implemented following PPG consultation with patients in the reception area.