• Mental Health
  • Independent mental health service

The Lighthouse

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

282 Blackburn Road, Darwen, BB3 1QU 07891 940406

Provided and run by:
Associated Wellbeing Limited

Report from 4 February 2025 assessment



Updated 30 January 2025

At the time of our inspection there was no Registered Manager in post as the previous manager had recently left the service. A new manager had been appointed and was due to start once all relevant vetting checks were complete. Other senior leaders in the organisation were supporting the service and new clinical lead roles had been appointed to. They had recognised where improvements had been required and put appropriate actions and support in place. The staff team reported a positive change in the culture at the service in the last month before our assessment. They reported that a new leadership team had been appointed and this had given more present leadership at the hospital and support for more junior staff. The new staff had experience in working with young people in a range of settings and had brought new skills and experience to the hospital. The service had a stable management structure in place. Governance and auditing processes were embedded, and performance and feedback indicated that these processes were effective.