Updated 29 January 2025
Date of Assessment: 5 February to 6 February 2025. The service is a residential care home, providing support to people in a purpose-built setting, which included peoples own living spaces, consisting of a bathroom, bedroom, lounge and kitchen areas. At the time of our assessment 6 people were using the service. The service supported people who may have a learning disability and/or autism and people with mental health needs. Our assessment was prompted due to safeguarding concerns we received about the service. The service had learned lessons from these incidents and taken appropriate action to address the concerns. Staff told us they felt comfortable to whistle blow on poor practice and at the time of our inspection, we found safeguarding concerns were appropriately recorded and reported externally where required. People were supported in a safe environment and risks posed to people were safely managed. Medicines were mostly managed safely and the service worked well with external professionals to meet people’s health, mental health and emotional needs. People were supported by enough suitably qualified staff. The service was working towards recruiting a more permanent staff team, which would reduce their use for agency staff. Staff told us the service was well-led and they felt supported in their roles.