- Homecare service
Premium Homecare Ltd
We issued a warning notice to Premium Homecare Limited on 18 November 2024 for failing to meet the regulations relating to safe care and treatment and good governance at Premium Homecare Ltd.
Report from 11 October 2024 assessment
Our view of the service
The assessment took place between 15 to 25 October 2024. We undertook this assessment to follow up on previous breaches of regulation. Premium Homecare Ltd is a domiciliary care agency providing personal care to people in their own homes. At the time of our assessment there were 78 people using the service. We assessed all quality statements across safe, responsive and well-led key questions. There continued to be ineffective systems in place to assess and manage risks to people’s safety. We found risk assessments did not take account of all of people’s needs, were missing information, contained conflicting information and had not been updated in response to changes in people’s health. There continued to be ineffective governance systems in place to review and improve care records and oversight of call scheduling. A new system had been introduced regarding call scheduling, but this was flawed and there were not effective systems in place regarding the governance of this system. A service improvement plan was in place, however this did not include timescales to ensure timely improvements were implemented. The registered manager had not adhered to all of their CQC registration requirements and had not submitted notifications of key events that occurred at the service. Improvements had been made regarding oversight of incidents and accidents, and in regard to staff support systems, staff training, and monthly quality monitoring telephone calls to people using the service. Improvements had been made to ensure more information about people’s individual preferences and what was important to them, was captured in their care records. We found the provider continued to be in breach of regulations relating to safe care and treatment, and good governance. In instances where CQC have decided to take civil or criminal enforcement action against a provider, we will publish this information on our website after any representations process has been concluded.
People's experience of this service
Overall people were happy with the care and support they received. People felt safe receiving support from care workers, and most people felt care workers had the knowledge and skills to meet their individual needs. Some people said the service actively reached out to get peoples feedback about their experiences of the care they were receiving. However, some said this was rare and others said there was no process to gather feedback. Most people felt they could raise any safety concerns and that these would be listened to. People said they usually received consistent support from care workers they preferred, had built relationships with, and who knew them well. However, on weekends unfamiliar care workers might provide support. People said care workers do not always turn up on time, but that generally they would receive communication from the service to update them about this. People felt care workers were respectful of their religion and culture, and that their human rights were respected.