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Grossdale Care Agency Also known as Fountain of Hope Care Agency

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

679-691 High Road Leyton, London, E10 6RA (020) 8133 6010

Provided and run by:
Grossdale Ltd

Latest inspection summary

On this page

Our current view of the service


Updated 22 November 2024

Date of Assessment: 21 November to 5 December 2024. Grossdale Care Agency is a domiciliary care agency that provides care and support to people living in their own homes. They supported older people some of whom may live with dementia. At the time of our inspection two people were being supported with personal care. The service had made improvements since our last inspection and is no longer in breach of regulations. Risks to people were assessed and mitigated. Care plans now guided safe practice. The provider had enough staff to ensure people’s safety and meet their needs. People were supported to have choice and control and were involved in planning their care. People were protected from the risk of harm and abuse. Care plans provided advice and information on how to keep people safe, which staff followed. People were supported with their medicines if required. Processes to record accidents and incidents were in place with lessons learned. There were systems for considering people's capacity to make specific decisions and to provide personalised care. The provider had implemented more effective systems to measure and monitor the service overall and to drive improvements. Staff received training and support to develop in their roles. People were treated with respect, kindness and compassion. Staff protected their privacy and dignity. They treated them as individuals and supported their equality and diversity needs. Leaders in the service were knowledgeable and supportive of staff and shared a positive vision and culture.

People's experience of the service

Updated 22 November 2024

People and their relatives felt the service was safe. They got on well with the staff and managers in the service. They were able to raise any concerns with the management team and they were listened to. People and relatives were involved in care planning and were asked for their feedback. People told us they were respected and treated well by staff, who understood their individual equality characteristics, needs and preferences. A person told us, “I think it is a good service. The carer is very nice and I know the manager. I am very happy and I have no concerns.” A relative commented, “The staff do a good job. The care is amazing.”