- Homecare service
Divine Care Connections Ltd
Report from 3 October 2024 assessment
On this page
- Overview
- Shared direction and culture
- Capable, compassionate and inclusive leaders
- Freedom to speak up
- Workforce equality, diversity and inclusion
- Governance, management and sustainability
- Partnerships and communities
- Learning, improvement and innovation
Leaders were respected by people, their relatives and staff. Positive feedback was received on the quality of care provided by staff and the registered manager. There was a culture of openness and transparency when sharing information with people, their relatives and staff. Quality monitoring took place within the service to ensure care people received was at the standard expected. The registered manager had a plan to improve the service and feedback from a health professional was complimentary.
This service scored 68 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.
Staff spoke highly of the registered manager and operations manager. There was a commitment from all staff and the management team to provide a high-quality service for people. People and their relatives were actively encouraged to be a part of the service and to help the service improve through regular contact and feedback. A member of staff said, “It is the openness of being able to call [Registered manager] or [Operations manager] any time I need to speak to them. Both of them are easy to talk to, sympathise and understand.” Another member of staff said, “It is not a rigid culture, [Registered manager] comes across as one of us, she will come and support us as well if we need it.”
The registered manager had developed a positive, inclusive and open culture within the service where all people, relatives and staff were confident to share their experiences. Staff wanted to learn and do their best to help people with their care and sought help and advice if they were not sure from the registered manager. The manager operated an on-call system to be available in an emergency or staff needed guidance.
Capable, compassionate and inclusive leaders
Positive feedback was received by staff about the registered manager, they found them to be approachable and kind. A member of staff said, “I think [registered manager] is good if you need help, they are always open.” The registered manager was very passionate about the work they did to help people, and this was reinforced from the feedback received by people and relatives. One person said, “I get well taken care of, I call [registered manager] mum.” A relative said, “We love [registered manager], they go above and beyond. The team has been amazing, and this is the first time [person] is cooperating with care.”
The registered manager valued the work they did and understood their responsibilities in the role. They led by example for staff and treated people and staff with kindness and respect.
Freedom to speak up
Staff had the confidence to approach the registered manager and the operations manager if they had any concerns about their role or if they needed any additional support. A member of staff said, “[Registered manager] is only a phone call away she will always get back to you.”
The provider had systems in place to encourage people and staff to speak up, records showed this included providing feedback on the service. Regular meetings, supervisions for staff and information on how to whistleblow if staff had concerns to disclose anonymously.
Workforce equality, diversity and inclusion
We did not look at Workforce equality, diversity and inclusion during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Well-led.
Governance, management and sustainability
Staff knew what was expected of them from their role and appreciated the level of oversight from the registered manager. They told us they attended staff meetings to discuss performance and review people's care needs. The registered manager would check their competency in medicines administration and complete random spot checks when they were providing personal care at people's homes, records confirmed this.
The management structure within the service was stable. The registered manager had systems in place to monitor the quality of the service. They asked for feedback from staff surveys, and they could review the care staff had given from daily logs and during spot checks. Medicine administration records were reviewed for quality purposes.
Partnerships and communities
We did not look at Partnerships and communities during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Well-led.
Learning, improvement and innovation
Staff told us they had regular discussions with the registered manager on how the service could be improved. A member of staff said, “We always have time to talk about the company, [Registered manager] talks about how we will improve the company and she shares best practice with us.”
The introduction of a care management system meant the registered manager could see when staff had completed aspects of care and times they had arrived and left. This helped them quality monitor the service better as this was not being done accurately during their last inspection. The registered manager had support from other health care providers for mentorship, they found this invaluable to support their development to be an effective leader within their service. Feedback from a health professional was positive. They said, “Thank you for the exceptional service that I have received from you . I would recommend your excellent service to anyone.”