Updated 5 December 2024
Date of Assessment: 14 January to 23 January 2025. The service is a care at home service providing support to older people, those living with dementia, people with mental health needs, a physical disability or sensory impairment. The service is also registered to provide care for people with a learning disability and or autistic people, although at the time of assessment the service was not providing anyone with these support needs. The provider had worked extremely hard since the last assessment to develop a positive culture of learning where people and staff could speak up. People were protected and kept safe and safeguarding concerns were investigated thoroughly. People told us there were enough suitably qualified staff to meet their needs. Staff told us they felt supported. Medicines were managed safely and infection control processes had improved. The provider had not recruited any new staff since the previous assessment and told us they had strengthened their processes in preparation for future recruitment. People’s needs were assessed prior to using the service and assessments were always undertaken face to face. The provider had worked with partner agencies to ensure improvements were made and people’s outcomes improved. The provider had improved their knowledge of the Mental Capacity Act, however records related to people’s capacity still required improvement. People and relatives were positive about the staff supporting them and told us they were treated with kindness and respect. Staff had a good understanding of people’s needs. Governance processes had significantly improved since the last assessment. The provider had taken the decision to self-embargo following the previous assessment so they could look at and work towards improving all their systems and processes to improve outcomes for people using their services. They used a whole team approach to both improve the culture of the service and work towards and embed improvement. During this assess