• Doctor
  • GP practice

Salisbury Avenue Healthcare

Overall: Requires improvement read more about inspection ratings

7 Salisbury Avenue, Barking, Essex, IG11 9XQ 0844 477 8704

Provided and run by:
Salisbury Avenue Healthcare Limited

Important: The provider of this service changed - see old profile

Report from 12 May 2024 assessment

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Requires improvement

Updated 27 January 2025

Based on the latest GP patient survey data, the provider revamped their appointment system to improve patient access, resulting in positive feedback in their monthly internal patient surveys. Patients could easily access to information, advice, and advocacy to support their needs. The service effectively identified and addressed the information and communication needs of individuals with disabilities and sensory loss. Services delivered were coordinated to ensure that individuals nearing the end of their lives, including those with protected equality characteristics and those in vulnerable circumstances, were appropriately identified and that this information was shared effectively. The facilities and premises are well-suited to the services provided.

This service scored 61 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.

Person-centred Care

Score: 3

Results from the latest national GP patient survey conducted in April 2023 showed that 69% of survey respondents felt involved as much as they wanted to be in their care and treatment decisions. The result was significantly below the practice’s expected outcome of 90%. The practice’s monthly patient surveys showed they had improved their performance in this question, with 97% and 100% of patients in March and April 2024 (respectively) responding that they felt involved in their care and treatment.

Leaders told us that patients could request to see their preferred GP. Staff offered patients the option of being seen in extended access clinics outside of regular opening hours, either on an evening or at weekends. Additionally, staff provided patients with the opportunity to be seen in extended access clinics outside of regular opening hours, including evenings and weekends.

Care provision, Integration and continuity

Score: 1

We did not look at Care provision, Integration and continuity during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Responsive.

Providing Information

Score: 3

The patients we spoke to told us they received information about other services when required.

Staff told us information was available to patients in their reception area and on the practice's website. They would highlight patients' records if they had any communication or accessibility needs, which staff gathered when a patient registered.

The practice was able to organise interpreter services for patients whose first language was not English. Patients were also able to access information about a variety of services; however, these were not available in easy read formats.

Listening to and involving people

Score: 3

The provider undertook monthly in-house patient surveys and gave examples of changes in practice due to patient feedback, such as the practice's appointment system. None of the patients we spoke with raised concerns about their ability to provide feedback or complain. However, one patient said they were unaware of how to make a formal complaint but, if necessary, they would speak to the practice manager.

Staff and leaders told us that patients' views were acted on to improve services and culture. Staff described how complaints were discussed in practice meetings, and areas of improvement were identified and shared.

The practice had a complaints policy and process. We saw a designated individual handle complaints in the leadership team, and the evidence we reviewed demonstrated that investigations were thorough and timely. The provider advised patients of appropriate actions they could take if they were unsatisfied with the outcome of their complaint. The practice monitored the GP Patient Survey and NHS Choices reviews. In addition, they carried out an internal monthly survey and monitored complaints, with the GP partners reviewing all complaints annually to identify trends.

Equity in access

Score: 3

Patients told us they could access clinical care when desired via different avenues. One patient told us they did not feel able to see a GP when they wanted to because reception staff often directed them to a different member of the clinical team. Results from the latest national GP patient survey showed the practice was in line with other local practices for the percentage of patients who responded positively to the overall experience of making an appointment and were satisfied with the appointment (or appointments) they were offered. The practice’s internal survey also showed positive results in these areas.

Leaders told us they had listened to patient feedback about access and implemented new systems and ways of working to facilitate improvement.

Results from the National GP Patient Survey showed that the practice was in line with local practice for patients who responded positively to how easy it was to get through to someone at their GP practice on the phone. The practice’s appointment system required patients to complete an online request form, which a clinical team member would triage. Patients who could not complete the inline form could contact the practice via telephone, and a receptionist would assist them. The reception staff had received care navigation training. Systems were in place to recall and invite patients to attend for childhood immunisations and cervical cancer screening. The practice's opening times were 8 am to 6.30 pm, Monday through Friday. The practice advised patients to contact NHS 111 when the practice was closed. In addition, extended access appointments were available via the local hub during the week and on weekends.

Equity in experiences and outcomes

Score: 2

Staff told us they respected and appreciated people’s backgrounds and cultural values and received training in equality and diversity. The provider told us that patients requiring an appointment are usually seen within four days, and 50% of patients receive a same-day appointment.

The provider implemented effective processes to identify patients who required additional support, proactively addressing barriers or delays in their access to care and treatment. Staff utilised alerts within the clinical system to identify patients needing reasonable adjustments. The provider demonstrating an understanding of the issue of digital exclusion and took steps to assist these individuals. Furthermore, the provider collaborated with local practices to deliver outreach events targeted at hard-to-reach patient groups, offering essential information on wellness and healthy living. Patients were actively encouraged to participate in regular surveys, and the insights gained were used to enhance service delivery. While the practice was equipped to support patients with hearing impairments, it lacked informational materials in multiple languages. Following the factual accuracy review process, which allows providers to clarify factual inaccuracies and address incomplete evidence, the provider submitted information indicating that they had purchased patient leaflets in various languages prior to the assessment, which were subsequently displayed in the patient waiting area.

Planning for the future

Score: 2

Staff told us they regularly attended multidisciplinary team (MDT) meetings where they discussed patients who received end-of-life care.

Clinicians understood the requirements of legislation and guidance when considering consent and decision making. Do Not Attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (DNACPR) decisions were made in line with relevant legislation and were appropriate. As part of our assessment, we reviewed DNACPR decisions made within the last 12 months. We examined two detailed and comprehensive records. An appropriate clinician signed the decision forms. We saw that clinicians discussed the decision with the relevant parties, and the patient's mental capacity had been assessed. We saw that the provider used the universal care plan, an NHS tool, to enable patients to have their care and support wishes digitally shared among healthcare professionals in various services. Additionally the lead GP took part in regular multidisciplinary team meetings to discuss the care and support of patients requiring support. There was a process in place to support patients who experienced bereavement which included the practice sending a sympathy letter offering support and providing a bereavement pack with the details of available support services.