21 February 2025
St John Ambulance – Midlands Region is a large independent service that provides urgent and emergency support to NHS ambulance services, specialist NHS networks and event medical provision, only part of which falls under regulation. The service has hubs across both the East and West Midlands.
The service provides the following regulated activities:
• Transport services, triage and medical advice provided remotely
• Treatment of disease, disorder or injury
The service provides the following services:Emergency and Urgent Care Services
Date of assessment 28 March 2024.
We only looked at the Safe and Well Led domain as part of this assessment.
The rating of St John Ambulance-Midlands Region remains Good overall.
Emergency and urgent care
19 March 2024
Date of assessment 28 March 2024.
St John Ambulance - Midlands Region is a charity that provides secure offices, crew facilities, garaging and cleaning facilities to operate their Urgent and Emergency Care Directorate from. We carried out an assessment in response to whistle blowing concerns being raised about the service. We only visited one base at Union Park as part of our assessment. We found there was a poor culture at the service. However, leaders recognised improvements were needed and an external consultant had been appointed to review the culture. Not all staff were up to date with all their mandatory training; however, compliance rates were mainly above 80%. Leaders had specific training in place relating to their role. There was a Freedom To Speak Up (FTSU) framework in place which linked with St John Ambulance-Midland’s region internal systems. FTSU advocates represented different directorates across the charity. During the on-site assessment visit we did not find any concerns in relation to equipment not being safely secured on vehicles. Staff were aware of their responsibility to ensure that equipment such as oxygen cylinders were secure. Vehicles had regular safety checks, risk assessments were in place and assurance checks took place on vehicles and equipment. Staff had disclosure and barring checks in place, with separate processes in place for volunteers. The service ran classes around equity, diversity and inclusion and there were processes in place for staff to speak up if they had concerns and there was Freedom To Speak Up advocates in place.