- NHS hospital
John Coupland Hospital
We have not inspected this service yet
Registered on 17 June 2010
This service was registered by CQC on 17 June 2010. New services are assessed to check they are likely to be safe, effective, caring, responsive, and well-led.
These assessments can include:
- Site visits
- Criminal record checks
- Interviews with key managers
- A detailed review of how the service will be run
Follow-up inspections of new services are undertaken regularly following registration.
Specialisms / services
- Maternity and midwifery services
- Treatment of disease, disorder or injury
- Surgical procedures
- Diagnostic and screening procedures
- Services for everyone
Who runs this service
John Coupland Hospital is run by United Lincolnshire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
Dr Karen Dunderdale
Nominated Individual