24 July 2012
During an inspection in response to concerns
We visited ward 4 and ward 6 on the day of the inspection visit and spoke with two patients on both wards.
Patients expressed their views and said they were involved in making decisions about their care and treatment.
Patients told us they were encouraged to maintain their independence and to make their own decisions. A patient commented 'Staff explain things to us and tell us about the options available when we are asked to make choices.'
All the patients told us their dignity and privacy was maintained by staff. They explained how staff were sensitive and tactful when supporting them with their personal care.
Patients spoke very positively about the care, treatment and support they received from the staff team. One patient said; 'We are well looked after. The staff are all good workers and nothing is too much trouble for them.' Another patient told us there were always plenty of drinks available, the food was good, and that staff were always available to assist them to have a bath whenever they wanted.
Patients told us they felt safe on the wards and would feel comfortable in raising any concerns with the management team.
Patients told us there were always enough staff on duty to meet their needs. One patient said; 'If I need any help I only have to press my call bell and someone is here straight away.' Another patient commented 'Staff always have time for you. We have a bit of fun and they always have a nice attitude towards you.'
Patients said they had been asked about their views and opinions about different aspects of the service such as the quality of the meals provided and the activities that were on offer.