Maternity improvement resource

Published: 19 September 2024 Page last updated: 19 September 2024



What we look for


Safe systems, pathways and transitions

Telephone triage:

  • How are you assured telephone triage is effective?
  • What is the current performance of telephone triage?
  • What systems do you have in place to monitor call times and call drop-offs?
  • How does the monitoring of call times and drop-offs drive improvement in the service?

In-person triage:

  • How are you assured women's care and treatment are assessed and prioritised effectively?
  • Can you talk us through the triage process including:
    • your use of standardised tool
    • how you prioritise women.
  • How are you assured handover care to other areas is effective?

Safe environments

  • How are you assured equipment is checked to ensure it is fit for purpose and ready for use in an emergency?
  • How are you assured a ligature point risk assessment of the environment has been completed?
    • Can you please show us the latest assessment?

Safe and effective staffing

  • How are you assured triage staffing and acuity issues feed into the maternity unit safety huddle?
  • How are you assured staff are appropriately trained to work in maternity triage?
  • How are you assured staff are appropriately trained and competent in telephone triage
  • How are you assured there is appropriate staffing levels in maternity triage?


Assessing needs and delivering evidence-based care and treatment

  • How are you assured staff are able to access diagnostic results in a timely manner?
  • How are you assured staff are completing MEOWS for clinical observations and escalating appropriately?
  • How do you ensure triage standards, systems and processes are continuously reviewed and adapted as new evidence or information emerges?

Monitoring and improving outcomes

  • How are you assured women are seen in a timely way, prioritised and escalated effectively in line with your own policy?
  • How are the results of these audits shared?

How staff, teams and services work together

  • Are there dedicated obstetric staff for triage?

Consent to care and treatment

  • How are you assured staff ask for consent before any assessment of women?
  • How is this recorded and monitored?


Kindness, compassion and dignity

  • Are women given news of poor outcomes with dignity and in a private space?


Equity in access

  • What is the process for assessment of women who attend triage without an appointment?
  • How is triage reviewed to ensure equity of access, for example using ethnicity data or serious incident data? 


Capable, compassionate and inclusive leaders

  • Is there a dedicated leadership for maternity triage?

Governance, management and sustainability

  • How are you assured processes in telephone triage are effective?
  • Do telephone triage audits include:
    • completeness of the record
    • appropriate prioritisation/RAG rating.
    • What is the current performance?
  • How are you assured processes in maternity triage are effective?
  • Do maternity triage audits include:
    • completeness of record
    • time of arrival
    • time of assessment by midwife
    • time of review by Obstetric team
    • time of discharge
    • appropriate prioritisation/RAG rating
    • is the service meeting its own policy or guideline?
  • Can you tell us the interval between:
    • arrival to initial assessment
    • initial assessment to full assessment by a midwife
    • from assessment to obstetric review.
  • What is the current performance of triage?
  • How do you monitor maternity triage audits?
  • How are you assured audit results are shared and improvements made?
  • Is there board oversight of maternity triage performance?

The importance of people's experience.

  • How are you assured the views of women using the service and the Maternity and Neonatal Voices Partnership (MNVP) have been used in developing maternity triage?
  • How has engagement taken into account views of women who might face more barriers in triage? For example, women who do not speak English as a first language or women with mental health needs.