Single assessment framework
Care provision, integration, and continuity
Quality statement
We expect providers, commissioners and system leaders live up to this statement:
We understand the diverse health and care needs of people and our local communities, so care is joined-up, flexible and supports choice and continuity.
What this quality statement means
- People receive care and treatment from services that understand the diverse health and social care needs of their local communities.
- There is continuity in people’s care and treatment because services are flexible and joined-up.
- People’s care and treatment is delivered in a way that meets their assessed needs from services that are co-ordinated and responsive.
- Delivering and co-ordinating services considers the needs and preferences of different people, including those with protected characteristics under the Equality Act and those at most risk of a poorer experience of care.
I statements
I statements reflect what people have said matters to them.
- I have care and support that is co-ordinated, and everyone works well together and with me.
- I am in control of planning my care and support. If I need help with this, people who know and care about me are involved.
Subtopics this quality statement covers
- Availability and provision of services
- Eligibility/funding
- Continuity of care, support and treatment
We expect providers to be aware of and follow the following best practice guidance.
Continuity of care, support and treatment
Learning disability: care and support of people growing older (NICE guidance [QS187])
Availability of services
Integrated health and social care for people experiencing homelessness (NICE guidance [NG214])
Local authority assessments
We consider this quality statement, care provision, integration and continuity, under theme 2: providing support.