Assessment framework
Equity in experiences and outcomes
Quality statement
We expect providers, commissioners and system leaders live up to this statement:
We actively seek out and listen to information about people who are most likely to experience inequality in experience or outcomes. We tailor the care, support and treatment in response to this.
What this quality statement means
- People’s care, treatment and support promotes equality, removes barriers or delays and protects their rights.
- People feel empowered by providers and staff to give their views and understand their rights, including their rights to equality and their human rights.
- People feel that their experiences of discrimination and inequality are listened to and acted on to improve care.
- Leaders and staff are alert to discrimination and inequality that could disadvantage different groups of people using their services, whether from wider society, organisational processes and culture or from individuals. They proactively seek out ways to address these barriers to improve people’s experience, act on information about people's experiences and outcomes and allocate resources and opportunities to achieve equity.
- The provider complies with legal equality and human rights requirements, including avoiding discrimination, having regard to the needs of people with different protected characteristics and making reasonable adjustments to support equity in experience and outcomes.
I statements
I statements reflect what people have said matters to them.
- I have care and support that is co-ordinated, and everyone works well together and with me.
- I am in control of planning my care and support. If I need help with this, people who know and care about me are involved.
- I am encouraged and enabled to feedback about my care in ways that work for me and I know how it was acted on.
Subtopics this quality statement covers
- Benchmark of expectations
- Barriers to care, support and treatment
- Inequalities in experience and outcomes
- People/communities whose voices are seldom heard
We expect providers to be aware of and follow the following best practice guidance.
Equality Act Codes of Practice (Equality and Human Rights Commission)
Equality Act Guidance (Equality and Human Rights Commission)
Equality and Human Rights Commission: Human Rights Act
Our human rights approach (CQC)
Equally outstanding: Equality and human rights - good practice resource (CQC)
Culturally appropriate care (CQC)
Working definition of trauma-informed practice (Office for Health Improvement & Disparities)
Integrated health and social care for people experiencing homelessness (NICE guidance [NG214])
The Equality and Health Inequalities Hub (NHS England)
Equality Frameworks and Information Standards (NHS England)
The NHS England Equality Frameworks and Information Standards page links to equity in experiences and outcomes. This is because it mentions the mandatory frameworks that NHS England expects providers to use to progress equity in experiences and outcomes.
These frameworks include:
- the Equality Delivery System, which aims to address inequalities in services
- the Sexual Orientation Monitoring Framework, which improves data to understand where access/experience issues are
- the Accessible Information Standard.
There is a new self-assessment framework coming alongside the updated standard. This is key to addressing barriers to access in accessible communication for people using services.
Local authority assessments
We consider this quality statement, equity in experiences and outcomes, under theme 1: working with people.