- Care home
Gabriel Court Limited
Registration details
The location ID for Gabriel Court Limited is 1-114074768. CQC register Gabriel Court Limited to carry out these legally regulated activities. Contact us if you think Gabriel Court Limited is operating services not listed here.
Type of service
- Residential homes
Service specialism
- Caring for adults over 65 yrs
- Caring for adults under 65 yrs
- Dementia
- Mental health conditions
Local authority
North Northamptonshire
Monitored services
CQC register Gabriel Court Limited to carry out the following legally regulated services here:
Accommodation for persons who require nursing or personal care
Mrs Beatrice Emma Kelly is responsible for these services.
Mr David Watkin Merry is the registered manager for these services at this location.
Condition of this registration relating to carrying out this regulated activity
The Registered Provider must deploy staff to supervise the mobility and safety of service users in communal areas.
Terms of this registration relating to carrying out this regulated activity
The Registered Provider must not provide nursing care under accommodation for persons who require nursing or personal care at Gabriel Court Limited.
The Registered Provider must only accommodate a maximum of 44 service users at Gabriel Court Limited.
The Registered Provider must send to the Commission on the first Tuesday of the month written evidence that the quality assurance systems have been reviewed and that the systems in place ensure that the required standards are met.
The written evidence should clearly record how each area will be audited, the frequency of the audits and who is responsible for completing these audits and the timescales for actions to be completed. As a minimum the auditing systems should review the following:
i) accidents and incidents
ii) nutrition and hydration support
iii) staffing
iv) staff deployment
v) infection prevention
vi) safeguarding
vii) governance
As a result of the audits The Registered Provider must submit an action plan demonstrating how all the issues identified in the audits are to be rectified, in what time scale and who is responsible for completing the actions. This must be sent on every first Tuesday of the month and be updated once actions are complete.