Updated 4 July 2024
This assessment took place between 15-17 July 2024. We carried out the assessment to follow up on concerns we had received and on previous breaches of regulation. Improvements had been made to the service and the provider was no longer in breach of the regulations. We looked at 22 quality statements and found there were enough staff to ensure people’s safety and meet their needs. We observed positive, warm and respectful interactions between people using the service and staff. People were offered choices and staff respected people’s wishes. Care was delivered in line with people’s preferences. Systems to assess, monitor and improve the quality and safety of the service were operated effectively. These had been effective in supporting the manager to have oversight of the care being delivered. Opportunities to learn from incidents had been implemented. There was a new manager in place who was working to address some historic issues, and they were keen to make improvements. Staff felt supported and told us they would feel confident raising any concerns or issues.