- Homecare service
Supreme Care Services Limited
Report from 19 June 2024 assessment
Our view of the service
Date of Assessment: 19 July to 5 November 2024. Supreme Care Services Ltd is a domiciliary care agency that provides care and support to people living in their own homes. At the time of our assessment 65 people were receiving support with personal care. The last rating for this service was requires improvement (report published 1 December 2021), when we identified a breach of regulation in respect of good governance. We carried out this assessment to follow up this breach and make sure the provider had made the required improvements. We looked at a selection of quality statements for the key questions of safe, effective, caring and responsive and all the quality statements for well-led. We were satisfied that enough improvements had been made to the record keeping and governance systems and the provider was no longer in breach of any regulations. The overall rating for this service is now good. People received a safe service, were protected from abuse or neglect and had their human rights promoted. The service followed safe recruitment processes and there were enough staff deployed to support people. There were effective processes to ensure people’s medicines were managed and administered safely. Care and risk management plans were individual and met the needs of people using the service. Staff knew people well and understood how they liked to be supported with their individual needs. There was a clear management structure and staff felt supported in their roles. The provider sought feedback from people, relatives and staff and used this to develop the service. There were effective systems in place to monitor the quality of the service and identify when improvements were required.
People's experience of this service
Our inspection team was supported by an Expert by Experience for this assessment. An Expert by Experience is a person who has personal experience of using or caring for someone who uses this type of care service. They made telephone calls on 30 July 2024 and spoke with 10 people who received care and support from the service and/or their family members. We also received feedback via email from a further 5 people. People told us they felt safe when they were supported by staff from the service. Most people said their care visits were usually on time and many of the people we spoke with said they had regular care staff. One person commented that their relative had experienced late or missed calls but said they had followed this up with the office staff and things had improved. A few people said the care staff did not always stay for the full amount of time, but everyone said the staff always completed the tasks they were required to do. People said they felt staff were trained to support them safely and respected their rights, privacy and dignity. People knew how to raise concerns if needed and told us staff were kind and caring. People were involved in their initial needs assessments, as well as compiling and reviewing their care plans and risk assessments. People told us they had a copy of their care plan in their homes. The people who received support with their medicines told us they were happy with the way the service and care staff managed these. People and their relatives told us they felt they were treated fairly and supported in accordance with their individual needs and wishes. Nobody had experienced any discrimination or inequality. People said they were supported and encouraged to maintain their independence and avoid social isolation as much as possible.