- Care home
Allerton Park Care Centre
Report from 1 May 2024 assessment
Our view of the service
Date of assessment 7 October to 19 November 2024. Allerton Park Care Centre is a residential care home providing personal and nursing care for up to a maximum of 50 people. The service provides support to people living with dementia and /or mental health needs. At the time of the assessment there were 35 people living at the service. The assessment was carried out to review the service following a previous inspection when the overall rating for this service was 'Inadequate' placing the service into 'special measures.’ Previous inspection breaches were found in relation to safe care and treatment, management of medicines, consent to care, premises, and good governance. We found the service had made improvements and was no longer in breach of regulations. We found there was a strong culture of safety and saw concerns were raised and investigated. People were supported to have choice and control and give feedback on their care. Staffing levels were safe, and staff received appropriate support and supervision to carry out their role effectively. Medicines were managed and administered safely. The quality of the environment had improved, and the home was subject to an ongoing refurbishment plan. It now had clear and effective governance systems in place.
People's experience of this service
People were positive about the quality of their care. They felt safe and were fully involved in planning their care and relatives told us they were involved if the person was not always able. There were also opportunities for people and relatives to share their views through surveys and meetings. People said they received quality care from knowledgeable and caring staff who treated them with dignity and respect. All the interactions we observed were caring and kind. One relative said, “The staff are excellent at caring for [person], they always deal with [person] so gently it is lovely.” Activities, weekly coffee mornings, coffee and chat sessions and in house exercise activities were advertised in the home. We saw community links with local school, community centre and café and regular outings and visits. However, some feedback from people did refer to being bored at times and not always feeling stimulated when in the home day to day, this information was fed back to the registered manager.