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Allerton Park Care Centre

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

39-41 Oaks Lane, Allerton, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD15 7RT (01274) 496321

Provided and run by:
Park Homes (UK) Limited

Report from 1 May 2024 assessment

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Updated 16 December 2024

The provider’s governance arrangements were effective. The registered manager had been in post for one year. We found the service had made improvements. This was reflected in feedback we received, and our observations.

This service scored 75 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.

Shared direction and culture

Score: 3

Staff said management were compassionate, accessible and transparent and involved staff in processes and shared information. They had clear visions and values, and these were discussed and shared amongst the staff. Staff put people at the centre of everything they did.

The provider was proactive in seeking feedback. This included regular meetings with people and relatives. The provider displayed a “You said, we did” board which contained action identified from feedback to support improvement. There was a culture of improvement at the service. Leaders used feedback, observations and action plans to make sure improvements had been embedded.

Capable, compassionate and inclusive leaders

Score: 3

Staff told us the registered manager was visible and approachable and they expressed their confidence in them. One staff member said, “The management has improved greatly, and this has led to improvements for people and staff.” Staff told us if they had concerns and reported this to leaders, “They acted quickly and put things in place. ”

Leaders had appropriate qualifications, experience and knowledge to deliver a safe service. The Registered Manager expressed she felt supported by the provider, and she had an open door policy and actively encouraged staff to share their feedback and ideas to improve on the service. The manager stated she embraced all feedback and worked hard to improve service for people and staff, and this was reflective of feedback from people and staff.

Freedom to speak up

Score: 3

Staff felt able to raise any concerns and understood the importance of speaking up to protect people. One staff member said, “Management are visible, available and encourage staff to be open, honest and engage.” Staff and leaders actively promoted staff empowerment to drive improvement.

The provider had a Whistleblowing policy and staff had access to an independent advisor as an option to escalate any concerns they had. The service had a complaints policy, and this was displayed in communal areas and available in an easy read format. The registered manager had a good understanding of duty of candour and root cause analysis was used when investigating all accidents, incidents and complaints.

Workforce equality, diversity and inclusion

Score: 3

The service had a diverse staff team, and everyone worked well together.” One staff said, “The staff team are included and feel confident they are listened to and that’s part of the improvement journey for the service.”

The service had processes in place to ensure the effective engagement with staff, Staff told us they felt empowered and confident in their roles and that their contributions were listened to, and they were actively involved in the service action plan.

Governance, management and sustainability

Score: 3

Staff told us they felt well informed about changes. Changes were discussed during regular meetings. The management team completed regular audits which supported oversight of the service.

There were clear and effective governance, management, and accountability arrangements. Staff understood their role and responsibilities to deliver a safe service. Performance was discussed during regular supervision sessions with staff. Notifications to inform of incidents taking place at the service were consistently submitted to external organisations as required. Record keeping systems were compliant with General Data Protection Regulation.

Partnerships and communities

Score: 3

People told us staff involved them in assessments to ensure their individual needs could be met. They then worked with their relatives and relevant health professionals to maximise the effectiveness of care and treatment.

Staff and leaders were open and transparent and shared information. They worked well as a team. They worked in partnership with external professionals when required and followed their advice and guidance.

We received feedback from a number of partners including fire safety, Infection prevention and control and local authority. All the feedback we received was positive and described a picture of an improving service. Action plans had supported improvement.

Staff and leaders engaged with people, communities, and partners to share learning with each other that resulted in continuous improvements to the service. They used these networks to identify new and innovative ideas to support better outcomes for people. The service understood it’s model of care and made robust assessments of people to make sure their needs could be met.

Learning, improvement and innovation

Score: 3

Staff described an open and honest culture where they felt listened to and people mattered.

The service had an ongoing action plan to support improvement and innovation. This incorporated feedback from surveys, meetings and observation. It was regularly reviewed to assess its progress and effectiveness. Technology was used to improve the wellbeing of the people using services, and also the efficiency of ways of working. Lessons were learnt from accidents and incidents. The service had an ongoing improvement action plan and had shared and worked closely with the local authority and Integrated Care Board on making and embedding continuous improvements. The service completed regular meetings, surveys and analyses feedback and presented its findings to people involved in the feedback. The electronic systems in place supported the delivery of safe care.