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Meadowfold Hyndburn Ribble Valley Short Break

Overall: Outstanding read more about inspection ratings

Blackburn Old Road,, Great Harwood, Blackburn, BB6 7UW

Provided and run by:
Lancashire County Council

Latest inspection summary

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Our current view of the service


Updated 10 December 2024

Date of assessment: 11 to 20 December 2024. The service provide short breaks to adults living with physical disabilities, learning disabilities or autistic spectrum disorder. We assessed the service against ‘Right support, right care, right culture’. This guidance supported judgements about whether the provider guaranteed people with a learning disability and autistic people respect, equality, dignity, choice, independence and access to local communities that most people take for granted. This was the service’s first assessment. Incidents were learnt from, and safeguarding processes were effective. Staff supported people with transitions to ensure continuity of care. Risks were well managed, and the environment was designed to support the delivery of safe care. Staff were recruited safely and trained to meet various health and care needs. The service was clean, and medicines were managed safely. People’s needs were reviewed regularly, and the service provided care in line with evidence based good practice. Excellent communication and partnership working between the service and others contributed to positive outcomes. Staff considered people’s wishes when decisions were made and sought consent. Staff treated people with kindness and compassion, and elements of the environment promoted people’s dignity. People were treated as individuals and supported to access the local community. Staff knew people well and responded quickly to minimise distress. People received person-centred care. Accessible information standards were considered when providing information and the service actively sought feedback. Reasonable adjustments were made to improve accessibility, and people were supported to develop skills and plan for the future. Staff and leaders had a shared vision and managers led by example. The service worked effectively with others to continuously improve standards. Systems were in place to manage performance, and support staff member’s rights and wellbeing.

People's experience of the service

Updated 10 December 2024

The service actively took steps to improve people’s quality of life, and people and relatives were generally very positive with the care and support provided. Comments included, “I’m happy,” “I don’t think there is anything they could do better. It’s a beautiful place, we can’t complain,” and, “It’s safe, everything is perfect. [Person] enjoys going.” People were well supported with their health and medicines. A relative said, “Staff seem competent when I speak to them about medication. We had a recent issue with medication. The service is very strict, and it was sorted out.” A person using the service told us, “Staff help me with my medication.” People and relatives were involved in assessments, reviews, and decisions about people’s care. A relative told us, “Every time prior to a visit, staff will call to discuss [person’s] needs. Staff seem to understand [person’s] needs, likes and dislikes.” People were proactively supported in different areas of their lives, and enjoyed consistently positive outcomes. A partner fed back, “People always appear to enjoy their stays, and will often express they are excited and looking forward to their stay.” Some people could not directly tell us about their experience, so we used observations to assess their experiences of care. Staff were seen to show kindness and interacted positively with people. Relatives told us, “Staff are nice, they always have banter with [person]. [Person] gets on well with them.” People were supported to engage in meaningful activities and develop friendships with their peers. A person using the service gave a ‘thumbs up’ and said, “I like seeing my friends and spending time in my room. I bring my own Xbox to play games and listen to music in the sensory room.” People and their relatives benefited from a reliable and consistent service, and confirmed Meadowfold was well run. A relative said, “The service is organised, with dates set months beforehand. There’re no cancellations, they are quite reliable.