Updated 13 May 2024
A new management team were becoming established at Derwent Lodge. Systems were in place to protect people from the risk of abuse and harm. People's support needs were risk assessed and care plans provided staff with the information they needed to manage the identified risk. Processes were in place to ensure staff were safely recruited. Recruitment checks included Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks, employment references and identity checks. Staff completed a thorough induction when they started their employment with the provider. Staff received training and their competencies assessed. Medicines were managed consistently and safely in line with national guidance. Staffing levels were appropriate however, we found parts of the day, around the morning, lunch time and the afternoon where staff visibility required reviewing and left people waiting for care and support. This was corroborated with what people were telling us. The management team responded to this and made amendments to staffing allocations to ensure cover was effective at mealtimes and in the afternoon in the lounge.