- Independent doctor
Cosmetic Perfection
Report from 6 December 2024 assessment
On this page
- Overview
- Learning culture
- Safe systems, pathways and transitions
- Safeguarding
- Involving people to manage risks
- Safe environments
- Safe and effective staffing
- Infection prevention and control
- Medicines optimisation
The service had a good learning culture and people could raise concerns. Managers investigated incidents thoroughly. People were protected and kept safe. Staff understood and managed risks. The facilities and equipment met the needs of the people, were clean and well-maintained and any risks mitigated. There were enough staff with the right skills, qualifications and experience. Managers made sure staff received training and regular appraisals to maintain high quality care. Staff managed medicines well and involved pee in planning any changes. However, the Health and Safety and Fire risk assessments had not been completed for the premises.
This service scored 72 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.
Learning culture
The service had a proactive and positive culture of safety, based on openness and honesty. They listened to concerns about safety and investigated and reported safety events. Lessons were learnt to identify and embed good practice.
Safe systems, pathways and transitions
The service worked with people and healthcare partners to establish and maintain safe systems of care, in which safety was managed or monitored.
The service worked with people and healthcare partners to understand what being safe meant to them and the best way to achieve that. Safeguarding policies were in place and known to staff, who were appropriately trained in safeguarding procedures.
Involving people to manage risks
The service worked with people to understand and manage risks by thinking holistically. They provided care to meet people’s needs that was safe, supportive and enabled people to do the things that mattered to them.
Safe environments
The service detected and controlled potential risks in the care environment. They made sure equipment, facilities and technology supported the delivery of safe care. Contracts were in place to ensure the premises were maintained safely/ appropriately. There was a business continuity plan in place which was monitored and reviewed. The provider had not received a copy of the fire, health and safety risk assessments for the building by the landlord. Following our assessment the provider was following this up with the landlord to identify and mitigate potential risks.
Safe and effective staffing
Staff received appropriate training relevant to their role. Recruitment checks were carried out in accordance with regulations.
Infection prevention and control
The service assessed and managed the risk of infection. They detected and controlled the risk of it spreading and shared concerns with appropriate agencies promptly. Observational audits had been completed including hand hygiene. Cleaning schedules were in place and followed. Risk assessments and audits were completed, and actions taken to mitigate risks.
Medicines optimisation
The service made sure that medicines and treatments were safe and met people’s needs, capacities and preferences. They involved people in planning, including when changes happened. We saw medicines were managed safely. The provider had effective systems to manage and respond to safety alerts and medicine recalls. Emergency medicines and medical oxygen were stored safely, and the appropriate risk assessments had been completed.