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  • Homecare service

Molly Care Ltd

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

2c, Arcade Road, Littlehampton, BN17 5AR (01903) 372352

Provided and run by:
Molly Care Ltd

Report from 3 December 2024 assessment

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Updated 3 January 2025

Well-led – this means we looked for evidence that leadership, management and governance assured high-quality, person-centred care; supported learning and innovation; and promoted an open, fair culture. This is the first assessment for this service. This key question has been rated Good. This meant the service was consistently managed and well-led. Leaders and the culture they created promoted high-quality, person-centred care.

This service scored 71 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.

Shared direction and culture

Score: 3

The provider had a shared vision, strategy and culture. This was based on transparency, equity, equality and human rights, diversity and inclusion, engagement, and understanding challenges and the needs of people and their communities. The manager and provider demonstrated an inclusive culture and spoke of incentives available to staff which rewarded good practice and personal development. Staff consistently told us how they were supported as employees and encouraged with their own development, one told us, “I find it so different to where I worked before, they are more there for you and I feel supported by the manager ”.

Capable, compassionate and inclusive leaders

Score: 3

The service had inclusive leaders at all levels who understood the context in which they delivered care, treatment and support and embodied the culture and values of their workforce and organisation. Leaders had the skills, knowledge, experience and credibility to lead effectively. They did so with integrity, openness and honesty. The provider and the manager were actively involved in all aspects of the service related to the provision of care. Staff spoke of the support they received from the provider and manager and told us they could give suggestions and were listened to. People, relatives and health professionals spoke positively about the service. One professional told us, “I like that whenever I contact the service, they know who I am and I know them. They have daily handovers which is very important to ensure updates/support provided to staff/ any issues etc”. The manager was in the process of registering with CQC.

Freedom to speak up

Score: 3

The provider fostered a positive culture where people felt they could speak up and their voice would be heard. Feedback processes were effective and the manager spoke of how they and staff regularly spoke with people and relatives to ensure people's views were heard. The provider and manager told us they planned to develop processes further by formalising the systems in order to ensure they were able to fully demonstrate the actions they had taken in response to the feedback of people.

Workforce equality, diversity and inclusion

Score: 3

The provider valued diversity in their workforce. They worked towards an inclusive and fair culture by improving equality and equity for people who worked for them. The service had an open, inclusive recruitment procedure. The provider described how they recruited staff based on their compassionate natures, skills and experience. All staff all said they felt happy working for Molly Care Ltd.

Governance, management and sustainability

Score: 2

The provider did not always have clear responsibilities, roles, systems of accountability or good governance. They did not always identify or effectively mitigate risk or share this with others when appropriate. During our assessment the manager provided assurance of action they took to further mitigate risk. For example, they contacted a person's GP and social worker for further guidance about managing risk. Following our feedback the provider and manager acknowledged the governance systems in place had not always identified shortfalls or actions for improvement and this was an area in need of improvement. Where we identified areas for improvement the provider acted promptly.

Partnerships and communities

Score: 3

The provider understood their duty to collaborate and work in partnership, so services worked seamlessly for people. They shared information and learning with partners and collaborated for improvement. The manager discussed their links with local health and social services teams and understood how to seek support from them when required. Health and social care professionals were consistently positive about their relationships with Molly Care Ltd and expressed confidence in the knowledge and skills of the team. One told us, “They are a great care agency. They know their clients and situations, and family members. They communicate well with me and my team. They have good communication within their team along with consistency of staffing”.

Learning, improvement and innovation

Score: 3

The provider focused on continuous learning, innovation and improvement across the organisation and local system. They encouraged creative ways of delivering equality of experience, outcome and quality of life for people. They actively contributed to safe, effective practice and research. The manager told us they were developing links with various health and social care forums which they identified helped them keep up to date. The provider and manager demonstrated an open transparent approach to learning and were keen to develop the business with a reputation based on outcomes and the quality of life for both people they supported and staff. Feedback from people, their relatives, staff and professionals confirmed Molly Care Ltd was having a positive impact on them, one relative told us, “They are absolutely on top of the game”.