• Care Home
  • Care home

Beau House

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

167 Rochdale Road East, Heywood, OL10 1QU

Provided and run by:
Blue Ribbon Healthcare Limited

Report from 30 July 2024 assessment

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Updated 30 December 2024

The leadership of the service worked hard to create a learning culture. Staff felt valued and empowered to suggest improvements and question poor practice. There was a transparent and open and honest culture between people, those important to them, staff and leaders. They all felt confident to raise concerns and complaints. Staff gave honest information and suitable support, and applied duty of candour where appropriate. The service apologised to people, and those important to them, when things went wrong. Staff were able to explain their role in respect of individual people without having to refer to documentation. Some aspects of governance processes were not operated effectively at the time of our inspection. For example, the issues we found with medicines management had not been identified before our inspection. However, the provider responded well to our feedback and made rapid improvements to reduce the likelihood of such shortfalls in future.

This service scored 71 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.

Shared direction and culture

Score: 3

The provider and registered manager worked hard to instil a culture of care in which staff truly valued and promoted people’s individuality, protected their rights and enabled them to develop. Management were visible in the service, approachable and took a genuine interest in what people, staff, family, advocates and other professionals had to say.

The registered manager set a culture that valued reflection, learning and improvement and they were receptive to challenge and welcomed fresh perspectives. Individual staff supervision and group team meetings were used by the registered manager as a platform for staff to raise any concerns and an opportunity to meet with their peers and the registered manager.

Capable, compassionate and inclusive leaders

Score: 3

The registered manager had the skills, knowledge and experience to perform their role and a clear understanding of people’s needs/oversight of the services they managed. Staff were able to explain their role in respect of individual people without having to refer to documentation.

Staff were committed to reviewing people’s care and support on an ongoing basis as people’s needs and wishes changed over time.

Freedom to speak up

Score: 3

The provider valued and listened to the views of staff. Staff told us they were given opportunities to provide feedback about the service and their opinion was valued.

The provider, registered manager and staff were alert to the culture within the service and spent time with staff/people and family discussing behaviours and values. Managers worked directly with people and led by example. Staff gave honest information and suitable support, and applied duty of candour where appropriate.

Workforce equality, diversity and inclusion

Score: 3

Staff we spoke with voiced no concerns. We were given examples of when the provider had been flexible with staff. Working hours had been flexed in response to staff member’s changes in circumstances. Staff were aware of workplace benefits available to them and where to find these.

The provider had recruitment and diversity policies in place. Diverse staff teams were employed to help meet the needs of people. Feedback was sought from staff on how the service could be improved.

Governance, management and sustainability

Score: 2

The registered manager and staff members told us there were several audits and quality checks carried out to monitor the service and ensure it continued to provide a good service.

Some aspects of governance processes were not operating effectively at the time of our inspection. For example, the issues we found with medicines management had not been identified before our inspection. However, the provider responded well to our feedback and made rapid improvements to reduce the likelihood of such shortfalls in future. In all other areas, audits were routinely completed including the staff, registered manager and quality team. These audits included overseeing staff training, observing staff working practises, and overseeing incidents and accidents including complaints. Audits were analysed and shared with lessons learned to improve the service. The registered manager understood their responsibilities in relation to their regulatory requirements around notifiable incidents. There was an overarching quality assurance process which included checks carried out by the registered manager, regional manager and the quality team.

Partnerships and communities

Score: 3

People told us they received support from other health and social care professionals such as their GP. They said there was a range of social activities on offer at the home to help them engage with others in the care home community.

The registered manager and staff told us they worked with external health and social care professionals and community organisations and welcomed their views and advice.

We did not receive any feedback from external health and social care professionals, however records seen indicate there were no concerns in this area.

We spoke the provider and registered manager about improving engagement with groups organised by the Local Authority which aimed to help improve care services in the local area. The provider should also seek to better engage in local forums to work with other organisations to improve care and support for people using the service/ the wider system.

Learning, improvement and innovation

Score: 3

The provider had a clear vision for the direction of the service which demonstrated ambition and a desire for people to achieve the best outcomes possible. Staff recognised the importance of learning lessons and continuous improvement. They told us any incidents and accidents were recorded and reviewed to learn lessons.

There were processes in place to record any incidents, accidents, complaints and other audits. These were analysed to identify any shortfalls and learn lessons. There was an improvement plan in place which pulled together any areas of improvement from the different audits that were completed.