- Care home
Beechwood Residential Home
We served a Warning Notice on The Villas Care Homes Ltd on 24 January 2024 for failing to meet regulations related to the safe maintenance of the premises at Beechwood Residential Home.
Report from 21 October 2024 assessment
On this page
- Overview
- Person-centred Care
- Care provision, Integration and continuity
- Providing Information
- Listening to and involving people
- Equity in access
- Equity in experiences and outcomes
- Planning for the future
People received care and support that was person-centred, based around the needs of the individual. The provider ensured people had equity in outcomes, for example, people were engaged in community based activities such as attending college.
This service scored 21 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.
Person-centred Care
People and relatives told us care was person-centred, based around the needs of the individual. A relative said, “They are really good, they are pro-active. The manager and keyworker can communicate with [person] 100%. [Person] used Makaton and they point and use gestures. I think a few [staff] understand Makaton.”
Staff were able to tell us what person centred care was and the ways in which they supported people putting them at the centre of their care. They told us of the importance of having the long established relationships with people in order to understand them, particularly those who did not use speech to communicate. Staff were able to tell us about the things which caused a person to be anxious and how they understood how to support the person at such times.
We observed that staff were caring and warm towards the people they were caring for. They spoke to them in a respectful way and interacted with them positively. During our assessment a person expressed that they wanted to sing and we observed staff encouraging them to do so and praising them.
Care provision, Integration and continuity
We did not look at Care provision, Integration and continuity during this assessment. There is no previous rating for the Responsive key question so we cannot yet publish a score for this area.
Providing Information
We did not look at Providing Information during this assessment. There is no previous rating for the Responsive key question so we cannot yet publish a score for this area.
Listening to and involving people
We did not look at Listening to and involving people during this assessment. There is no previous rating for the Responsive key question so we cannot yet publish a score for this area.
Equity in access
We did not look at Equity in access during this assessment. There is no previous rating for the Responsive key question so we cannot yet publish a score for this area.
Equity in experiences and outcomes
People and relatives told us the service was good at ensuring people had access to community facilities. For example, a relative told us, “They make sure [person] goes to college, they find them things to do so they’re not just watching TV.” We spoke with people who told us about activities they liked to take part in. This included going out for lunch and pampering days. During our assessment we observed staff taking people out to the local park. Although people took part in activities it was not clear if this was person centred as these were carried out as a group. People were supported to maintain relationships with people important to them. We saw evidence of records of family contact or advocates documented in records.
We heard from staff that people living in the home had a wide range of activities they were involved in, both within the home and in the community. Staff told us that two people were involved in the local church and had been members of its congregation for many years. They told us that people attended a local college 2 days a week to learn new skills and enjoy time with their peer group. Staff told us some people had advocates involved in their lives. These people are important when there is little, or no family involvement and an advocate can act as an independent voice representing the person’s interests.
We saw evidence of person centred information. This included the provider liaising with the Local Authority and health professionals around an individual’s support plan. We received feedback from a healthcare professional who said, ”All health related matters are reported to me and the outcomes/actions.” They also said that the found the manager, ”Professional, helpful, informative and responsive to matters raised.”
Planning for the future
We did not look at Planning for the future during this assessment. There is no previous rating for the Responsive key question so we cannot yet publish a score for this area.