- Dentist
Pinfold Dental Practice Limited
All Inspections
23 May 2013
During a routine inspection
The practice kept up to date and detailed paper and electronic records of the care given to patients. The electronic record provided comprehensive information about the patient's current dental needs and past treatment. This included all dental appointments the patient had attended as well as treatment received and the costs. Medical history and x-rays were stored within the paper records, with medical history being checked at each appointment.
The practice had a range of infection prevention and control procedures in place to keep patients safe. We found up to date checks and audits which were carried out on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. We looked at the most recent audit which showed the practice was meeting the required standards.
Records showed professional registration was up to date for all staff. We reviewed staff files and saw evidence of ongoing continuous professional development.
We asked the staff and practice manager what systems were in place to seek feedback from patients using the service. We were told the practice carried out surveys and collected 'feedback forms'. There was also a suggestion box in the reception area.