- Dentist
Archived: West Heath Dental Practice
All Inspections
4 March 2014
During an inspection in response to concerns
Our visit was discussed and arranged with the provider in advance so that we had time to see and speak to staff working at the practice, as well as people registered with the practice. We took a specialist dental advisor with us to assist with the inspection.
During our visit we met and spoke with the registered manager, the principal dentist and a dental nurse. We also spoke with three patients that were attending appointments on the day of our visit. The people that we spoke with were satisfied with the service that they had received at the practice and told us that they would recommend it to others. One person who had received treatment at the practice told us, 'He [The dentist] explains everything to me. He tells me to come back if not comfortable or not right.' Another person told us, 'They are brilliant.'
We found that care and treatment provided at the practice was safe. The serious incident that we had been alerted to had been an isolated one and related to a recognised complication to the dental treatment being provided. The treatment received by the person and clinical management of the complication had been appropriate. However, the person involved in the incident described a lack of calmness in the way the incident had been managed causing them additional distress.
The provider had an effective complaints system and complaints received about the service were responded to appropriately.
1 March 2013
During a routine inspection
On the day of our visit, we spoke with the provider (who was also a dentist), four dental nurses, the practice manager and the registered manager. We observed two patient consultations. Following our visit, we spoke with eight people by telephone that were registered with the practice to ask them about their experiences of the service.
People that used the practice were very positive about the service they received. People told us that staff were polite and put them at ease. They told us how they were given enough information about different treatment options and fees to make an informed decision about the treatment they received. Their comments included: 'I would recommend them to anyone; they are very, very good' and 'When you walk in you get a nice welcome. They remember who you are.'
We found that staff received regular training so that they had up to date knowledge and skills to treat people safely. There were effective systems in place to minimise the risk of infection and overall monitoring arrangements at the practice helped ensure people received a quality service.