- Dentist
Church Street Dental Surgery
All Inspections
5 November 2012
During a routine inspection
People spoken with told us they were very happy with the treatment they received. They said the dentist always explained treatment options to them at the start of any treatment. They also said they were provided with a copy of their treatment plan. We found that people's needs were assessed and treatment planned for them in accordance with their wishes. Comments from people who used the service included, 'The dentist gives me some choices and I make a decision', 'The dentist always tells me what they are going to do' and 'I have had no complaints in seven years.'
We observed staff wearing gloves and masks. We found the service to be clean and hygienic and it had appropriate systems in place to decontaminate reusable dental instruments.
We looked at a selection of questionnaires in the quality assurance file. The comments made about the service were very positive. Comments included, 'It's clean, friendly and relaxes you', 'I get the same dentist every time unlike larger practices where they come and go' and 'I have been registered here for 19 years and would not like to change.'