- Independent mental health service
Priory Hospital Norwich
Report from 7 June 2024 assessment
Our view of the service
The Priory Hospital Norwich is an independent hospital and is part of the Priory Group (Partnerships in Care). The Priory Hospital Norwich acute service was opened in June 2020. The hospital is an inpatient acute mental health unit for adults of working age. The hospital has the capacity to care for up to a total of 34 patients. There are three adult wards open: Redwood 1, Redwood 2 and Woodlands Ward. Redwoods 1 women 12 bed ward, Redwood 2 women 12 bed ward and Woodland men 10 bed ward. The last inspection of Priory Hospital Norwich took place in August 2021 following an escalation of concerns. The hospital is registered to carry out the following regulated activities: Treatment of disease, disorder or injury Assessment or medical treatment for persons detained under the 1983 Act. During the assessment on the 6th of June 2024 we looked at the three acute wards. We focused on all five key questions within the safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led domains. At that inspection, the provider received an overall rating of good.