- Independent mental health service
Priory Hospital Norwich
Report from 7 June 2024 assessment
Ratings - Acute wards for adults of working age and psychiatric intensive care units
Our view of the service
The Priory Hospital Norwich is an independent hospital and is part of the Priory Group (Partnerships in Care). The Priory Hospital Norwich acute service was opened in June 2020. The hospital is an inpatient acute mental health unit for adults of working age. The hospital has the capacity to care for up to a total of 34 patients. There are three adult wards open: Redwood 1, Redwood 2 and Woodlands Ward. Redwoods 1 is a women’s 12 bed ward; Redwood 2 is a women’s 12 bed ward and Woodlands is a men’s 10 bed ward. The last inspection of Priory Hospital Norwich took place in August 2021 following an escalation of concerns and breach of. Reg 12 HSCA (RA) Reg 2014 Safe care and treatment Reg 18 HSCA (RA) Reg 2014 Staffing The hospital is registered to carry out the following regulated activities: Treatment of disease, disorder or injury Assessment or medical treatment for persons detained under the 1983 Act. We carried out an unannounced visit to Priory Hospital Norwich on 6 June 2024 as we received high-risk concerns about the safety of the service. During the assessment we visited the three acute wards and carried out further remote interviews with staff and carers on 21st and 28 June 2024. We focused on all five key questions within the safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led domains. At this inspection, the provider received an overall rating of good. We spoke with 18 staff including the Hospital Director, Director of Clinical Services, the Medical Director, a consultant psychiatrist, 5 nurses, 6 health care assistants, and an occupational therapy assistant. We inspected the environment of the 3 wards and 3 clinic rooms at the hospital. We observed staff and patient interactions on these wards. We reviewed 5 patient care records, and 9 patient prescription charts. We attended 3 meetings including an incident review meeting, a senior management team meeting and a workforce meeting.
People's experience of this service
We spoke with 4 family members and carers of patients and spoke with 10 patients. Patients told us most staff were kind and caring. Some patients did not know their care plan, and most patients told us they would like more access to one-to-one therapy. Two patients told us they were not able to access items for religious worship. Patient experience of the service was positive. Feedback from carers and families about Priory Hospital Norwich was mostly positive. The 4 carers we spoke with all gave extremely positive feedback about Priory Norwich. They told us that they were satisfied with the standard of care their loved ones were receiving in Priory Hospital Norwich and the only concern raised was about the poor wi-fi signal.