- Homecare service
Princess Homecare
Report from 23 April 2024 assessment
Our view of the service
The service is not performing well and not meeting our expectations. Princess Homecare is a domiciliary care agency providing the regulated activity personal care. At the time of our assessment, 3 people were receiving personal care. We undertook an announced on-site assessment on the 16 April 2024. 1 inspector and 1 assessor completed this assessment. We found five breaches of the legal regulations in relation to safeguarding, risk management, the safe administration of medicines, consent to care and treatment and governance. Risks people faced were not always identified or assessed, and sufficient action had not been taken to enhance safety. Systems were not in place to minimise the risk of financial abuse and medicines were not always safely managed.There were enough staff to support existing care packages. However, staff training was inconsistent and there was a lack of formal staff supervision and monitoring. Leaders regularly provided people’s support, but not all was based on current evidence-based good practice. Leaders undertook some practices without gaining consent or following appropriate processes. However, people felt safe and were supported by a small team of consistent staff, who knew them well. Each person had a care plan, but healthcare conditions including the impact and support needed, were not recorded. People were very complimentary about the staff team. They said staff knew their preferences and how they liked their care to be delivered. People were encouraged to live healthier lives although there was variable feedback about choice. Systems did not ensure effective management oversight of the service. Regular auditing had not taken place, and shortfalls found during this assessment had not been identified. Leaders had been working through an action plan set by the Local Authority. Leaders told us all work requested, had been completed. We have asked the provider for an action plan in response to the concerns found at this assessment.
People's experience of this service
People told us they felt safe and were complimentary about the staff supporting them. They said they always had consistent staff who knew them well. People said they were encouraged to be as independent as possible, and their rights to privacy and dignity were respected. People and their relatives told us they were able to raise a concern if needed and believed they would be listened to.