- Care home
Maun View
Report from 23 January 2025 assessment
Our view of the service
Maun View is a residential care home that provides personal care to adults and people living with dementia. At the time of the assessment the service supported 72 people. The last rating for Maun View was requires improvement, published on 27 March 2024. At the last inspection there were breaches of regulations relating to safe care and treatment and good governance. At this assessment we found the service were no longer in breach of regulations and improvements had been made. The overall rating for this service as a result of the findings at this assessment has changed to Good. Medicines were managed safely by trained staff. People were protected from the risk of abuse and neglect as the provider ensured there were robust safeguarding processes in place. Risks were assessed and risk reduction measures were in place. Staff knew people and their needs well. The home was clean, and the environment was maintained to maximise people’s safety. Staff referred people to healthcare professionals in a timely manner. Care plans were person centred and reflected people’s needs. Governance processes were embedded and highlighted areas for improvement. Staff told us they enjoyed working at Maun View as the culture was open and honest. The management team were experienced and knew the service and people they supported well. There was a strong learning culture which drove service improvement.
People's experience of this service
People told us they felt safe living at Maun View. People told us they received support from kind and capable staff. People, their relatives, staff, and partners spoke highly of the care provided. People told us staff empowered them to make their own choices and supported them to maintain their independence. People knew the management team well and felt able to raise concerns and share ideas when needed. People said staff respected their right to privacy. Regular reviews ensured people received care which was aligned with their needs and wishes. There were effective working relationships with other professionals which improved the outcomes for people using the service.