• Mental Health
  • Independent mental health service


Overall: Requires improvement read more about inspection ratings

Holdenby Road, Spratton, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN6 8LD

Provided and run by:
St. Matthews Limited

Report from 25 April 2024 assessment


  • Overall

    Requires improvement

  • Safe

    Requires improvement

  • Effective


  • Caring

    Requires improvement

  • Responsive

    Requires improvement

  • Well-led

    Requires improvement

Our view of the service

Broomhill hospital Northampton provides care, treatment, and support to individuals with mental health concerns. Broomhill is part of St. Matthews Limited, which consists of four care homes and four hospital locations in Northampton and Coventry. Broomhill provides 99 beds across 2 core services and 7 wards. Acute wards for adults of working age, consists of one ward. Long stay rehabilitation for adults of working age consists of 6 wards. At the time of this assessment the acute ward and one of the long stay rehabilitation wards was closed. There were a total of 43 patients at the hospital. This assessment looked at the remaining 5 long stay rehabilitation wards known as Althorp, Cottesbrooke, Kelmarsh, Lamport and Spencer wards. We only assessed one assessment service group (ASG). At our last inspection the service was rated inadequate in all key questions; inadequate overall, and was placed in special measures. This assessment was focussed on the breaches that gave rise to the previous ratings as required under special measures monitoring. We looked at 22 Quality Statements across all 5 Key Questions. At this assessment we saw how staff and managers had worked hard to improve the quality of their care and had engaged well with the Local Authority, ICB and CQC to bring about required changes. Although the provider had implemented actions and submitted action plans that addressed all of the concerns we had previously found, many of the actions had taken a long time to be implemented, and therefore had not had time to become embedded in practice. Senior managers told us that they recognised that embedding plans into practice was ongoing and if we were to go back in a years’ time we would find a very different situation. We found the provider had made sufficient improvements to improve their overall rating. However, we identified breaches under Regulations 9 , 12 and 17. Additionally, the Effective key question remains Inadequate. Therefore the service will remain in special measures.