- Independent mental health service
Report from 25 April 2024 assessment
We identified some areas of concern under the safe key question which will require an action plan under the medicine’s optimisation quality statement. Staff completed medicines audits but there was a lack of oversight of medicines management. Actions needed as identified through pharmacist audits had not been actioned by staff. Staff did not consistently adhere to the providers medicines disposal policy. Staff had completed some expiry date labels incorrectly. Care plans specific to certain high-risk medicines lacked detail. Four registered nurses we spoke with were unable to tell us what drugs should be used in the event of an opioid or benzodiazepine overdose. While the hospital had an identified infection prevention and control lead, they had not identified infection prevention and control champions, in line with their policy. Though staff told us they did have a plan in place to address this. We saw that clinical staff undertook the complex ligature risk assessment across all wards, but we were unclear if these staff had received relevant training to complete this task. Actions needed were recorded on a separate estates plan with anticipated dates for completion. We noted that many items needed removing from the environment. Estates staff were not involved in this assessment which was unusual. However, staff reported and investigated safety events and incidents. Emphasis was placed upon learning from incidents to improve practice. Staff told us they could and would raise concerns with senior staff. Staff had a good understanding of safeguarding and took appropriate actions. There were systems and processes in place to ensure people were protected from abuse and neglect. Staff assessed individual patient risks and reviewed these regularly. Restraint was only used as a last resort. Staff took a proportionate approach to imposing restrictions upon people. Leaders continued to work with partners to improve the quality and continuity of care.