- GP practice
Dr Rana Chowdhury
Report from 4 July 2024 assessment
Our view of the service
We carried out an announced assessment at Dr Rana Chowdhury Oak Lodge, 6 Oak Road, Harold Wood, Romford on the 7 and 12 August 2024. We carried out this assessment because we had not inspected the practice since 2017 and the concerns that were raised with CQC regarding the practice. The assessment reviewed 4 quality statements from the key questions safe and effective. The quality statements reviewed were safe and effective staffing, medicines optimisation, assessing needs and delivering evidence-based care and treatment. During the assessment we found: - The review of patient records found the records did not always facilitate continuity of care and allow another clinician to take over the care of the patient. Some did not include sufficient information to understand the patient’s assessment and management of the patient’s condition, and this may have impacted on a patient’s health. We did not find assurances that medicines were being consistently prescribed safely. At the time of the assessment, the practice did not have fully effective systems in place to ensure safe recruitment and staff competency. We are placing this service in special measures.
People's experience of this service
The GP survey carried out from January to March 2024 found most patients found the doctors treated them with care and concern, and they had confidence in the health care professional, and their needs were met. However, the review of patient records found some did not include sufficient information to understand the patient’s assessment and management of the patient’s condition, and this may have impacted on a patient’s health.