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  • Homecare service

Nefid Personnel

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

Unit 68, Evans Business Centre, Burley Hill Trading Estate, Leeds, LS4 2PU 07859 327652

Provided and run by:
Nefid Personnel Ltd

Report from 12 November 2024 assessment

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Updated 14 January 2025

People received person centred care. Staff understood the health and care needs of people and responded well to involve external professionals when needed.

This service scored 75 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.

Person-centred Care

Score: 3

We did not receive feedback from people or relatives about this quality statement.

Staff told us they kept updated about changes to people's needs, by getting updates from colleagues or the registered manager and reading care records.

Care provision, Integration and continuity

Score: 3

We did not receive feedback from people or relatives about this quality statement.

The registered manager told us how they worked with people, relatives, staff and other professionals to ensure care provided was consistent and appropriate to people's needs.

Partners did not raise concerns about working with the service.

The processes in place ensured people received person centred care. In our review of care plans and records of care we found this to be mostly detailed and with details about choices offered to people and made.

Providing Information

Score: 3

We did not receive feedback from people or relatives about this quality statement.

The registered manager was aware of the service's responsibility to make information accessible and ensure good communication with people.

Information about people’s communication needs was documented in their care plans, which included if they required any support in this area, specific goals and what specific actions staff should take to support people.

Listening to and involving people

Score: 3

We did not receive feedback from people or relatives about this quality statement.

The registered manager told us they would listen to all feedback received form people and act on it. They told us their approach to dealing with a complaint would be, "Every complaint needs to be investigated, we would not ignore it. If it was a service user, we would contact to acknowledge, we would also if family or social workers to be involved, making sure we would document and find out all the information. If it was against staff, I would reshuffle the rota [so the same staff were not involved in caring for the person who had complaint against them], I also have a duty to look after my staff, so I would discuss it openly with staff."

There were policies and procedures in place to manage complaints. The registered manager told us the service had not received any complaints.

Equity in access

Score: 3

We did not receive feedback from people or relatives about this quality statement.

The registered manager told us people or relatives contacted healthcare professionals such as GPs when needed because it was people's preference, but they knew how to contact relevant healthcare professionals if needed.

We did not receive feedback about this quality statement.

In our conversations with staff and the registered manager, and review of information, we did not find evidence of concerns in relation to people using the service being discriminated against or not having access to the care they required.

Equity in experiences and outcomes

Score: 3

We did not receive feedback from people or relatives about this quality statement.

Staff knew how to treat people with respect.

People were provided with person centred care that was planned around their needs and preferences. In our review of care records, we found examples of staff.

Planning for the future

Score: 3

We did not receive feedback from people or relatives about this quality statement.

The registered manager was knowledgeable about how to care for people nearing the end of their lives and how to do it a compassionate and person centred way. The registered manager told us, when end of life care was provided, staff ensured people had "Someone caring and hearing you out, looking after your skin, that [people] have the nutrition they need, medication. In the capacity of home care, I would work within our limits, and I would not do nursing care that is the responsibility of district nurses."

The service was not caring for anyone who required end of life care at the time of our inspection. The service had previously supported people who required this support and staff had received the appropriate training.