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Nefid Personnel

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

Unit 68, Evans Business Centre, Burley Hill Trading Estate, Leeds, LS4 2PU 07859 327652

Provided and run by:
Nefid Personnel Ltd

Report from 12 November 2024 assessment

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Updated 14 January 2025

We looked at all the key questions in this domain. There were several quality assurance processes in place which was proportional to the size of the service. There was an improvement plan in place to develop the service further. The registered manager was passionate about delivering good quality care.

This service scored 75 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.

Shared direction and culture

Score: 3

The registered manager was involved in the care delivered and knew about people's needs and preferences. This ensured they could support staff if required, encouraging a shared culture of good quality care.

There was a good shared view of what good quality care looked like within the staff team. Staff received appropriate training and there were regular opportunities to discuss with the registered manager and the team.

Capable, compassionate and inclusive leaders

Score: 3

In our conversations with staff, they were complimentary about the management of the service and how well they were supported by the registered manager.

There were processes in place to ensure staff met together to discuss relevant aspects of their roles through meetings and training.

Freedom to speak up

Score: 3

Feedback was positive about how the provider listened to staff's views and acted when changes were needed. Feedback had been asked from people, but the registered manager told us they had preferred to give it verbally instead of filling in a questionnaire. The registered manager told us about their plans to develop further questions for people who might require additional support with their communication.

The provider had systems in place to ensure people could speak up and raise any concerns.

Workforce equality, diversity and inclusion

Score: 3

Staff told us the provider supported them, recognising the value that a diverse workforce has for the service.

During this assessment, feedback from staff indicated they felt supported. Staff were offered regular supervisions, appraisals and spot checks.

Governance, management and sustainability

Score: 3

Care staff told us of how they could seek advice and act in the best interests and preferences of people using the service, promoting effective and safe care.

The quality assurance systems in place were proportional to the size of the service. The registered manager had plans in place to improve the service further, which included using an electronic monitoring system and care planning system.

Partnerships and communities

Score: 3

We did not receive feedback from people or relatives about this quality statement.

The registered manager told us about the working relationships that they were establishing with a range of stakeholders, including local authorities, commissioners and health and socials care professionals.

Partners did not raise concerns about how they worked with the service.

The registered manager was aware of how to make referrals to appropriate external agencies or professionals to meet the needs of people.

Learning, improvement and innovation

Score: 3

There were clear processes for staff induction, training, and refresher training. This supported continuous learning and development of the service.

The service had an improvement plan detailing the areas where ongoing development was happening. The registered manager told us about their plans to continue to grow the service and their ongoing commitment to quality.