• Hospital
  • NHS hospital

Kidderminster Hospital and Treatment Centre

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

Bewdley Road, Kidderminster, Worcestershire, DY11 6RJ (01562) 513240

Provided and run by:
Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust

All Inspections

During an assessment of Services for children & young people

Kidderminster Hospital and Treatment Centre (KHTC) provides outpatient services and day surgery for children and young people. The children’s outpatient department at the KHTC is open Monday to Thursday; there are no clinics on Fridays or at the weekend. Children also attend the adult outpatient departments for some specialties including ophthalmology, ear nose and throat (ENT), audiology, trauma and orthopaedics and dermatology. Data provided by the trust indicated between 1 September 2023 and 31 August 2024 there were a total of 8,229 outpatient attendances by children and young people under the age of 18 years at Kidderminster Hospital and Treatment Centre. Of these, 2306 attendances were in paediatric specialties and the remaining 5923 were children seen in other specialties. Day surgery for children and young people was provided on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Friday of each month. From 1 September 2023 to 31 August 2024 489 children and young people under the age of 18 years had day case surgery at KHTC. Over 97% of day surgery episodes for children and young people were in ENT, oral surgery, ophthalmology, trauma and orthopaedics and urology. The onsite assessment of the children and young people service at KHTC was undertaken on 20 September 2024. Two Care Quality Commission inspectors, a children’s specialist advisor and an expert by experience carried out an unannounced (the service did not know we were coming) assessment. During the assessment we spoke with 10 children and young people,12 parents and carers, nursing and medical staff and leaders of the service. We reviewed staffing, 12 patient records, arrangements for medicines and policies and procedures used within children and young people’s service. We also carried out offsite interviews with staff, managers and commissioners of children’s services. The Children and Young People’s service was previously rated as requires improvement in June 2018. This assessment rated the service as good.

During an assessment of the hospital overall

The Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust serves the population of Worcestershire and neighbouring counties from three main sites, Worcestershire Royal Hospital in Worcester, Alexandra Hospital in Redditch and Kidderminster Hospital and Treatment Centre in Kidderminster. According to the Trust’s website, in 2024 up to the date of this assessment they provided care to 143,002 inpatients, 670479 outpatient appointments, 170939 patients attended Accident and Emergency and there were 4,710 births.

14 May to 29 May 2019

During a routine inspection

Our rating of services improved. We rated them as good because:

  • Improvements had been made in all core services inspected to address most concerns from the last inspection.
  • Medical care, surgery, outpatients and diagnostic imaging services were rated as good overall.
  • The minor injuries unit was rated as requires improvement overall.
  • Staff treated patients with compassion and kindness, respected their privacy and dignity, and took account of their individual needs.
  • Feedback from parents and relatives confirmed staff treated them well and with kindness.
  • Managers monitored the effectiveness of care and treatment and used the findings to improve them. They made sure staff were competent for their roles by appraising work performance and holding supervision meetings with them to provide support.
  • People could access the service when they needed it.
  • Managers at all levels had most of the right skills and abilities to run a service providing high-quality sustainable care.
  • The services had a systematic approach to continually monitor the quality of its services. The service monitored activity and performance and used data to identify areas for improvement.
  • The services had effective systems for identifying risks, planning to eliminate or reduce them, and coping with both the expected and unexpected.
  • Staff felt respected, supported and valued. They were focused on the needs of patients receiving care.
  • Staff and managers across the service promoted a positive culture that supported and valued one and other.


  • In the minor injuries’ unit, the trust must take actions to improve. These are:
    • To ensure all patients receive a timely initial clinical assessment to identify patients arriving with serious injuries and illnesses.
    • To ensure an evidenced-based review of the nursing establishment (including skill-mix) is carried out to ensure there are sufficient staff with the right skills and experience to meet the needs of patients who attend the minor injuries unit.
    • To ensure governance processes include reviews of clinical guidelines to ensure that they follow current best practice.

11, 12 and 25 April 2017

During an inspection looking at part of the service

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) previously carried out a comprehensive inspection in November 2016, which found that overall; the trust had a rating of 'inadequate'.

We carried out a focused inspection on 11 and 12 April 2017. We also visited on 25 April 2017, specifically to interview key members of the trust’s senior management team. This was in response to concerns found during our previous comprehensive inspection in November 2016 at Worcestershire Royal Hospital, the Alexandra Hospital Redditch and Kidderminster Hospital and Treatment Centre whereby the trust was served with a Section 29a Warning Notice. The Section 29a Warning Notice required the service to complete a number of actions to ensure compliance with the Health and Social Care Act 2008 Regulations and the trust had produced an action plan, which reflected these requirements as well as additional aims and objectives for the service. This inspection looked specifically at the issues identified in the warning notice and therefore no services were rated as a result of this inspection.

Focused inspections do not look at all five key questions; is it safe, is it effective, is it caring, is it responsive to people’s needs and is it well-led, they focus on the areas indicated by the information that triggered the focus inspection.

The inspection at and Kidderminster Hospital and Treatment Centre focused on the following services; minor injury unit, medical care and surgery. We inspected parts of the five key questions for these services but did not rate them.

Areas where we found improvements had been made were:

  • The hospital had addressed the mixed sex accommodation breaches observed during our previous inspection.

Areas where insufficient improvements had been made were:

  • The Minor Injuries Unit (MIU) had a process in place for the monitoring of fridge temperatures where medicines were stored. However, there was no evidence of follow-up processes when areas of concern had been highlighted.

Areas of improvement, that were not included in the Section 29a Warning Notice, found from the last inspection were:

  • Appropriate systems were in place for the management of controlled drugs within the endoscopy unit.

Additional areas of concern, that were not included in the Section 29a Warning Notice, that we found during this inspection were:

  • Resuscitation equipment in the MIU was not fit for purpose in an emergency situation. The defibrillator was not ready for use, as the electronic pads had expired at midnight on the night before our inspection.
  • Not all staff had completed their medicines’ management training in the medical care service. Figures from the trust showed a completion rate of 30% against a trust target of 90%. This meant that not all staff had up-to-date knowledge relating to potential risks associated with medicines.
  • The Mental Capacity Act (MCA) and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) training was mandatory training and only 33% of medical care staff were up-to-date on this training. This was below the trust target of 90%.

There were areas of poor practice where the trust needs to make improvements.

Importantly, the trust must:

  • Ensure that all resuscitation equipment is fit for use.
  • Ensure that effective actions are taken if medicines’ fridge temperatures are not within the required range.
  • Ensure all staff are up-to-date on medicines’ management training.
  • Ensure all staff are up-to-date on the Mental Capacity Act and the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards training.

Professor Sir Mike Richards

Chief Inspector of Hospitals

22 to 25 November and 8 December 2016

During an inspection looking at part of the service

Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust was established on 1 April 2000 to cover all acute services in Worcestershire, with approximately 885 beds spread across various core services. It provides a wide range of services to a population of around 580,000 people in Worcestershire, as well as caring for patients from surrounding counties and further afield.

Worcestershire Acute Hospital NHS Trust provides services from four sites: Worcestershire Royal Hospital, Alexandra Hospital, Redditch, Kidderminster Hospital and Treatment Centre and surgical services at Evesham Community Hospital, which is run by Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust.

The trust was rated overall as inadequate and entered the “special measures” regime based on the initial inspection from 14 to 17 July 2015. Special measures apply to NHS trusts and foundation trusts that have serious failures in quality of care and where there are concerns that existing management cannot make the necessary improvements without support. Kidderminster Hospital was rated as requires improvement overall during this period.

As part of a scheduled re-inspection of the trust we carried out a further comprehensive inspection of Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust from 22 to 25 November 2016, as well as an unannounced inspection at Kidderminster Hospital on 8 December 2016.

On 27 January 2017 we issued a section 29A warning notice to the trust requiring significant improvements in the trusts governance arrangements for identifying and mitigating risks to patients.

Overall, we rated Kidderminster Hospital and Treatment Centre as inadequate, with one of the five key questions we always ask being judged as inadequate.

Our key findings were as follows:

  • Managers did not have clear oversight of mixed sex breaches or the need to report them in line with national guidance
  • Safeguarding children training compliance was low throughout the hospital and not in line with national guidance.
  • Staff were unaware of female genital mutilation and child sexual abuse. There was a risk that staff would not recognise when a child was being abused or exploited.
  • Not all staff had had undertaken the mandatory training required, including safeguarding children’s training, Mental Capacity Act 2005, Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards and insulin management.
  • Appropriate systems were in not in place for the management of controlled drugs within the endoscopy unit.
  • Resuscitation equipment was not fit for purpose in an emergency situation. In the MIU we found an empty oxygen cylinder and out of date paediatric airway masks.
  • Pain in children attending the MIU was not always managed effectively. We found children were not always assessed for pain and associated pain scores were not always documented.
  • Medical notes were not always locked away safely.
  • Medicines were not always stored safely. For example: medication fridge temperatures in the MIU were above the recommended temperatures for storing medicines and vaccines.
  • Limited use of local audit meant that some outcomes with regards to patient safety, care and effectiveness were not fully understood.
  • The NHS Friends and Family Test (FFT) had been suspended in children’s clinics since the service reconfiguration. Patients’ feedback could not be used to monitor and improve services.
  • Nursing staff competency assessment records in the children’s clinic were all out of date.
  • Examination protocols for standard x-ray examinations were not routinely reviewed and not subject to document control. Patients were unable to access the majority of services in a timely way for initial assessments, diagnoses and/or treatment.
  • There was a lack of radiation protection infrastructure.
  • Examination protocols for standard x-ray examinations were not routinely reviewed and not subject to document control. Patients were unable to access the majority of services in a timely way for initial assessments, diagnoses and/or treatment.
  • Staff were caring and respectful towards patients. Patients’ privacy and dignity was protected and staff adapted their approach to meet the individual needs of patients
  • There was an on-site Resident Medical Officer to cover services seven-days a week.
  • There were areas of poor practice where the trust needs to make improvements.

Action the hospital MUST take to improve:

  • Ensure patients privacy, dignity and confidentiality is maintained at all times.
  • Establish female genital mutilation and child sexual exploitation training that is to be completed by all staff working in children and young people’s services.
  • Ensure administration of controlled drugs are always documented contemporaneously with signature as appropriate.
  • Ensure that medicines are always stored within the recommended temperature ranges to ensure their efficacy or safety.
  • Ensure all equipment is in date and used, stored and maintained in line with manufacturers’ instructions.
  • Ensure that resuscitation equipment is readily available for use when required without posing a risk.
  • Ensure that there is an effective system in place to ensure that all electrical equipment has safety checks as recommended by the manufacturer.
  • Ensure that equipment is checked as per policy.
  • Improve performance against the 18 week referral to treatment time, with the aim of meeting the trust target.
  • Improve performance against the national standard for cancer waiting times. This includes patients with suspected cancer being seen within two weeks and a two-week wait for symptomatic breast patients.
  • Ensure they are carrying out patient harm reviews to mitigate risks to patients who breach the referral to treatment times and cancer waits.
  • Ensure divisional management teams have oversight of the patient waiting lists and of initiatives and actions taken to address referral to treatment times and cancer waits.
  • Ensure there is a strategy in place for diagnostic and imaging services that staff are aware of.
  • Develop a clear strategy for surgical services which includes a review of arrangements for county wide management of emergency surgery.
  • Ensure there is a process for collecting data regarding the effectiveness of the children’s outpatients department to recognise and plan where improvements can be made.
  • Ensure mixed sex breaches are reported as required.
  • Ensure patient notes are stored securely and safely.
  • Increase staff awareness of the trust’s incident reporting procedures and risk matrix tool.
  • Ensure staff complete the required level of safeguarding training, including safeguarding children.
  • Ensure staff compliance with mandatory training meets trust target of 90%.
  • Ensure all staff receive an annual appraisal.
  • Ensure staff receive appropriate clinical supervision.

In addition, the trust should:

  • Ensure there is a clear consistent approach to streaming patients in the minor injuries unit at all times, to ensure patients with the most urgent needs are prioritised.
  • Ensure every child has a pain assessment and pain scores are documented.
  • Ensure pain relief given to children is audited in the minor injuries unit.
  • Ensure that guidelines are in date and are in line with national best practice guidance.
  • Ensure patient outcomes are collected, monitored, analysed and used to drive service improvements.
  • Ensure there is a clear minor injuries unit strategy.
  • Consider developing a formal clinical audit plan, including regular, local audit of documentation, environment, equipment and hand hygiene. Then share the results with staff to improve patient care.
  • Ensure all additional training identified is completed by staff.
  • Ensure that World Health Organisations’ Five Steps to Safer Surgery checklists is reviewed and completed appropriately.
  • Review the systems in place to ensure staff feel safe, respected and valued within the workplace.
  • Ensure staff have knowledge of the key objectives within the service.
  • Consider involving staff in strategic plans and developments within surgical services.
  • Review the number of cancelled operations in line with the national average of 6%.
  • Review the choices offered to patients about where they are discharged too for continuing care.
  • Record templates should be developed that clearly identify where information should be recorded.
  • Record meetings where performance in the children’s clinic is discussed.
  • Ensure there are appropriate and child friendly waiting areas for children and young people and provide appropriate environments for them, including room temperatures.
  • Take action to address the ‘did not attend’ appointment rate for new children and young people’s clinic appointments.
  • Ensure complaints are investigated within the timescales stated in the trust’s complaints policy.
  • Ensure there is a clear flow of information from the children’s clinic to the board via effective governance processes.
  • Ensure there is senior oversight of the minor injury unit.
  • Ensure there are suitable arrangements for the maintenance, renewal and replacement of equipment and medical consumables.
  • Ensure that risks are identified, escalated and acted on without delay.
  • Ensure that processes are in place to assess, monitor and mitigate risks relating to service users.
  • Ensure that systems and processes are operated effectively.
  • Ensure that records and information in relation to equipment is accurate, analysed and reviewed by people with the appropriate skills and competence to understand its significance.
  • Ensure effective governance measures are in place to ensure staff adhere to trust policies and processes.

Since this inspection in November 2016 CQC has undertaken a further inspection to follow up on the matters set out in the section 29A Warning Notice mentioned above, where the trust was required to make significant improvement in the quality of the health care provided. I have recommended that the trust remains in special measures.

Professor Sir Mike Richards

Chief Inspector of Hospitals

14-17th July 2015

During a routine inspection

Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust (WAHNHST) was established on 1 April 2000 to cover all acute services in Worcestershire with approximately 900 beds. It provides a wide range of services to a population of around 570,000 people in Worcestershire as well as caring for patients from surrounding counties and further afield.

The Trust includes four hospital sites, Worcestershire Royal Hospital (WRH), Alexandra Hospital in Redditch (AHR) Kidderminster Treatment Centre (KTC) and one day ward and a theatre at Evesham Community Hospital, which is run by Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust

We carried out this inspection between 14th and 17th July 2015 as part of our comprehensive inspection programme.

Overall, we rated Kidderminster Hospital and Treatment Centre as requiring improvement, with 4 of the 5 key questions we always ask being judged as requiring improvement.

Four of the six core services (maternity and gynaecology, urgent and emergency care, children’s and young people, and outpatients and diagnostics) were rated as requiring improvement. Surgical and medical services were rated as good overall.

We have judged the service ‘good’ for caring. We found that services were provided by dedicated, caring staff. Patients were treated with kindness, dignity and respect and were provided the appropriate emotional support. However, improvements were needed to ensure services were safe, effective, responsive and well-led

Our key findings were as follows:

  • There were inconsistent thresholds of reporting of incidents by staff. Where incidents had been reported, investigation and dissemination of lessons learnt was insufficiently robust.
  • Mandatory training compliance rates were consistently below the trust target of 95%
  • Rates for methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Clostridium Difficile for the trust were within acceptable range nationally. All surgical patients were screened for MRSA during their pre-assessment appointment.
  • All areas we visited were visibly clean and personal protective equipment was available as well as hand washing facilities and hand gel. We observed staff followed appropriate practices and were bare below the elbow whilst in clinical areas
  • Appropriate food and drink were available to all patients on the ward. Choices were available which provided variety and multiple faith foods were available on request.
  • Vulnerable patients or patients who required more intensive care had assessments completed to identify their needs. Malnutrition universal screening tool (MUST) scores were calculated, which meant that patients who required additional support or special diets were identified and supported.
  • In the minor injuries unit (MIU) there had been ten incidents since October 2014 where staff had been physically or ’non-physically’ assaulted (such as patient being verbally aggressive towards staff). We were not assured that lessons were learnt from the incidents and risks had not been highlighted on the risk register before our inspection.
  • In Radiology concerns were raised that the replacement of ageing and unreliable equipment had not been effectively managed which had resulted in patient-related

incidents occurring including the loss of diagnostic images such as plain x-rays.

There were some areas of poor practice where the trust needs to make improvements.

Importantly, the trust must:

  • Improve incident reporting processes to ensure all incidents are reported and investigated and that actions agreed correlate to the concerns identified, are acted on and lessons learned are shared accordingly.
  • Ensure mandatory training compliance meets the trust target of 95%

In addition the trust should:

  • Review the security of confidential patient records to ensure they are safe from removal or the sight of unauthorised people.
  • Develop a policy on restraint and / or supportive holding and staff should receive training to ensure they understand how to apply the policy.
  • Approve the audit plan for children and young people and ensure audits are completed in line with the plan with regular updates on audits outstanding with revised completion dates.
  • Review and update the dashboard for children and young people to include all pertinent information.
  • Develop a suitable business plan for children and young people which identifies the needs of patients and adequately plans services for the year ahead. This should identify areas for improvement or expansion and ensure that patient demand can be met safely with the resources available.
  • Ensure that complaints are responded to within agreed timeframes and summary data should be explicit as to which location the complaint relates to. Improve governance arrangements to ensure meeting minutes accurately reflect discussions held and /or that discussion takes place in accordance with the terms of the committee and that actions agreed are followed up at subsequent meetings.
  • Use the risk register should as a tool to identify and monitor emerging and existing risks, ensuring it contains sufficient detail.
  • Ensure all medicines storage areas have systems for measuring and recording temperatures
  • Ensure all risks are risk assessed and are on the risk register with mitigated actions taken, this includes sufficient security measures are in place on the Kidderminster site to protect staff, patients and visitors.
  • Ensure investigations of incidents have clear learning points and actions to prevent similar incident occurring, particularly in relation to staff assault.
  • Install a panic button within the treatment area of the MIU.
  • Ensure all MIU staff have personal attack alarms.
  • Ensure the issue regarding the toilet in the MIU waiting area and the risk of drug users using the area for illegal activities is risk assessed and mitigating actions taken.
  • Ensure morbidity and mortality meeting minutes clearly document discussions.
  • Ensure that an alarm is fitted in the waiting room for paediatric patients to alert help if required.
  • Ensure staff are aware of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), a viral respiratory infection caused by the MERS-coronavirus that can cause a rapid onset of severe respiratory disease in people and the actions required if a patient presents with associated symptoms.
  • Ensure information about patients care and treatment and their outcomes is routinely collected, measured and used to improve care, treatment and patient outcomes.
  • Ensure all staff received annual appraisals.
  • Ensure that there are enough wheelchairs to meet patient need.
  • Ensure patients receive an initial assessment within 15 minutes.
  • Ensure all senior staff are visible enough for staff to recognise them and feel supported.

Professor Sir Mike Richards

Chief Inspector of Hospitals

25 July 2012

During a themed inspection looking at Dignity and Nutrition

People told us what it was like to be a patient on the rehabilitation ward at Kidderminster Hospital. They described how they were treated by staff and their involvement in making choices about their care. They also told us about the quality and choice of food and drink available. This was because this inspection was part of a themed inspection programme to assess whether older people in hospitals were treated with dignity and respect and whether their nutritional needs were met.

The inspection team was led by a Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspector joined by a second CQC inspector, practising professional and an expert by experience, who has personal experience of using or caring for someone who uses this type of service.

Kidderminster Hospital has a number of outpatient facilities where people attend to receive care and treatment without admission to hospital. We identified that there were two inpatient wards one of which could accommodate up to 17 patients. During our inspection visit we spoke with four patients, made some general observations, spoke with four staff and looked at six patient's medical and care records.

Some patients that we spoke with told us that they were well aware of why they had to be in hospital. One patient said that staff explained any medical intervention or treatment to them and we also observed this happening with another patient during our inspection visit.

Patients that we spoke with told us they were happy with the quality of care and treatment received. Comments made by patients about the care provided by staff included,' All very good' and staff were, 'Brilliant'.

Some patients that we spoke with told us that staff treated them with respect. One patient said that staff were, 'Always respectful'.

We observed lunch being served to patients during our inspection visit. Staff were seen to offer patients choices of meal options, checked whether they had had enough to eat and supported patients with their meals where needed at their own pace. Many of the patients we spoke with told us that they were happy with the meals provided. They said, 'Finest' that they had, 'Ever tasted in any hospital, that there was, 'Plenty of food, always a good choice' and 'We are always offered seconds.'