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  • Care home

Our House

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

5 Blueberry Close, Woodford Green, Essex, IG8 0EP (020) 8559 7585

Provided and run by:

Report from 9 October 2024 assessment

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Updated 12 December 2024

People who used the service were protected from the risk of abuse as the provider had taken reasonable steps to identify the possibility of abuse and prevent abuse from happening. Staff helped them to have their medicines when they needed them. People had risk assessments which explained possible risks and the actions staff needed to take to reduce them. Accidents and incidents were recorded and were reviewed to prevent them from happening again. People were protected by safe recruitment procedures and there were enough staff to meet their needs. They were protected from the risks associated with the spread of infection.

This service scored 75 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.

Learning culture

Score: 3

Due to people’s communication support needs, we used the Short Observational Framework for Inspection (SOFI). SOFI is a way of observing care to help us understand the experience of people who could not talk with us. We observed how the staff interacted with people and how people were supported. We saw staff were respectful and people responded well to how they were being supported. Relatives were positive about the staff team and the support their loved ones received. We also found that there were systems in place for staff to meet with people to discuss any concerns they might have.

Staff were clear on what actions were needed if there was an incident or accident. The provider kept a record of all accidents and incidents involving people using the service.

We saw that the provider looked at lessons that could be learnt when incident had happened. During our inspection we observed that 1 person became agitated at lunchtime. Staff dealt with the situation appropriately and calmly and were clear on how to follow the person’s behaviour support plan, and how to keep others safe. We also saw that staff recorded the incident appropriately.

Safe systems, pathways and transitions

Score: 3

People who were living at the home at the time of our inspection had been at the service for a long time and feedback from their relatives were positive regarding the support people were receiving.

The director told us that they had 1 empty bed, for which they had received referral from the local authority, and they were arranging for an assessment. The assessment was completed to ensure that the service could meet people’s needs. Visits were also arranged so that people who lived at the service could meet the new person to ensure that that all get on with each other well before they move in.

A GP service told us that they had no concerns with the team at Our House, the staff were always responsive and approachable in relation to people’s care needs.

We saw that the provider had systems to manage transitions into the home. As part of this they carried out a needs assessment to make sure that the home was suitable for a person. They shared their assessment form with us which had key information about the person’s needs and areas that support was needed. The provider also had a policy that staff followed when assessments were being completed for people, this helped guide the staff on how to assess people accordingly.


Score: 3

During our inspection we observed staff and people and noted that staff knew people well and knew how to keep people safe from known risks. Relatives told us that they had no concerns about the service and felt their loved ones were safe.

Staff were clear on how to keep people safe. A staff told us that they had received safeguarding training which helped them identify any safeguarding concerns and how to report them.

During our inspection we saw that people were supported appropriately and that staff were clear on how to keep people safe from identified risks, the environment was well maintained and was free from any obstructions that could cause risk to people. We saw that people were being supported to do various tasks including in house activities.

The provider had policies and procedures to help protect people from the risks of harm or abuse. Records showed staff had undertaken training to support their knowledge and understanding of how to keep people safe. Staff knew how to follow policies and take the right actions to ensure people were safe from harm.

Involving people to manage risks

Score: 3

We saw that risks were assessed and managed to prevent people coming to harm. Risk assessments covered specific health conditions, using the community, and day to day activities.

From speaking to staff, they had a good knowledge of the identified risks of people. The provider ensured the environment was safe for people, staff and visitors. The director told us that in staff meetings they tested the staff knowledge and understanding of how to keep people safe. They also went over scenarios and incidents.

We noted during our assessment that people’s bedroom was well maintained and decorated. We saw that the call points were being upgraded as they were old and needed updating.

Potential risks about people’s safety were assessed to ensure they were supported to remain as safe as possible. During our visit, we viewed a number of care files. We found that there was a range of different assessments associated with people that helped manage risk and keep people safe. We saw that they were reviewed and updated. Policies and procedures were in place to guide staff on how to manage risks.

Safe environments

Score: 3

We reviewed people’s personal evacuation plans [PEEPs] which informed staff how people were to be evacuated in the event of a fire. We saw the service carried out checks to ensure that the property was safe for people to use.

Staff told us that they carried out checks around the home which helped to ensure that the service was safe for all. Staff said that they completed a form where they reported any repair that needed completing.

During our visit we saw that the home was safe, there was nothing which would impact people’s safety, and we found that all fire evacuation routes were free of obstacles.

The provider had a system to ensure all equipment was maintained and serviced. Records confirmed that checks on the premises and equipment were carried out to ensure the health and safety of people, staff and visitors to the service. Fire risk assessment was completed on the 14 September 2023 and reviewed on the 14 of September 2024 by an external contractor. Fire alarm certificate of inspection was in place dated 12 July 2024. The provider also had an environmental risk assessment in place which identified potential risks and how to minimise them.

Safe and effective staffing

Score: 3

We saw that there were enough staff to meet people’s needs and to provide personalised care and support to people. Relatives commented positively about the staffing level and the support staff provided to people.

Staff told us that they received a full induction when they started at the service. They were given appropriate support which helped to ensure they were able to provide effective care.

We observed staff throughout the day and saw that there were staff who were supporting people with their day to day care and support in a positive way. We noted that activities were being offered during the times we visited.

The provider told us that there were 2 staff on shift during the day and 2 staff at night this included 1 awake night and 1 sleep-in staff. The home used a regular agency that knew people well, to provide emergency cover. The deputy manager told us that they were recruiting more staff. We saw that the provider had effective recruitment and selection processes in place and that checks were undertaken before new staff started working for the service. Checks included staff’s previous employment history, proof of identity, written references, criminal records check and their right to work in the United Kingdom.

Infection prevention and control

Score: 3

We noted during our assessment that the home was clean, this included toilets and other communal spaces as well as peoples’ bedrooms.

At the time of our visit, we were informed by the management team that there had been no outbreak of illnesses in the home in recent months.

During our visits we saw that all environments were clean to a good standard.

We saw that the provider had policies and procedures regarding the prevention and control of infection, and they kept staff up to date with relevant national guidance. We saw that staff had access to a range of equipment including cleaning materials and personal protective equipment. We also saw that staff had PPE in place.

Medicines optimisation

Score: 3

We saw that the service had information in place in peoples’ care plans regarding their medicine. Staff were aware of how each person needed to be supported with their medicine. We were not informed of any concerns in regard to medicine management.

Staff had received appropriate training to ensure they were competent to help administer medicines. The service had a medicine policy which outlined the safe handling of medicines. Staff were able to describe how they would follow up any concerns that they had with the GP or pharmacy with regards to medicines.

People received their medicine as prescribed. The service used a paper-based system to record the administration of medicines. The service did not support people with covert medicines at the time of our assessment. Medicines were locked away safely.