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  • Homecare service

Allestree Health & Homecare Services

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

15 Handyside Street, Derby, DE1 3BY (01332) 341127

Provided and run by:
Allestree Health & Homecare Services Limited

Important: This service was previously registered at a different address - see old profile
Important: We have not inspected this service yet at this location

Report from 7 January 2025 assessment

On this page



Updated 23 January 2025

Caring – this means we looked for evidence that the provider involved people and treated them with compassion, kindness, dignity and respect. At our last assessment we rated this key question good. At this assessment the rating has remained good.

This service scored 80 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.

Kindness, compassion and dignity

Score: 4

The provider was exceptional at treating people with kindness, empathy and compassion and in how they respected people’s privacy and dignity. Staff always treated colleagues from other organisations with kindness and respect. People spoke highly of the staff that cared for them and told us staff would often go the extra mile to make them feel cared for. One person told us, “You wouldn’t get better, nothing is too much effort, I can chat to the staff about anything. They are always cheerful. The day before yesterday they popped a magazine into me, in their own time. They also took my wheelie bin out for me as well as it was icy.” A relative told us, “When [person] was in hospital staff called round to check on me and how I was as well as how [person] was. They are all so friendly and helpful.” During our assessment one of the leaders went to sit with a person while they waited for an ambulance so they would not be on their own. Staff spoke warmly about the people they cared for and told us how they promoted people’s dignity in care. A staff member told us, “You can’t be taught how to be caring and everyone one of these carers, care from their hearts.” Staff all consistently told us they gave people choices and made sure they created a private space for personal care by closing doors and curtains and explained what they were going to do, to make sure people felt comfortable. Care was provided with kindness, compassion and dignity.

Treating people as individuals

Score: 3

The provider treated people as individuals and made sure people’s care, support and treatment met people’s needs and preferences. They took account of people’s strengths, abilities, aspirations, culture and unique backgrounds and protected characteristics. Leaders told us they understood people’s individual needs as these were discussed as part of the initial assessment and care plan. They told us this had enabled them to plan a person’s call early on a Sunday morning so as to enable them to attend Church. People and relatives valued this person-centred approach. One relative told us, “They’ve truly listened and have treated them as a person.” Care plans confirmed people’s individual choices, likes and dislikes were discussed, and these were known by staff.

Independence, choice and control

Score: 3

The provider promoted people’s independence, so people knew their rights and had choice and control over their own care, treatment and wellbeing. The importance of promoting people’s independence was understood by staff. A member of staff told us, “If someone says they’d like a cup of tea, I’ll say ‘I’ll make you one, do you want to come as well.’ It helps to get people involved so they can then help themselves to make their drink.” A relative told us staff were good at encouraging people’s independence. They said, “Staff will say, ‘I’ll make sure your shaver is charging and if you need a hand, we are here to help,’ and that is enough to prompt [person] to be independent with it.” People told us they felt in control of their care and given choices. One person told us, “They ask me what I’d like and it’s up to me to choose what I would like.” Care plans identified what people were able to do by themselves and when they needed assistance. This helped to ensure people’s independence, choices and control were promoted.

Responding to people’s immediate needs

Score: 3

The provider listened to and understood people’s needs, views and wishes. Staff responded to people’s needs in the moment and acted to minimise any discomfort, concern or distress. During our assessment staff and the office team worked well together to respond to a person’s immediate needs due to them requiring an ambulance. People told us staff had arranged for them to receive any additional healthcare support in response to any changing needs when needed. A relative said, “Staff have spoken with the GP when they noticed [person’s] skin was sore.” Records showed staff monitored people’s health and were alert to any changes and acted promptly to respond to any changes or immediate needs.

Workforce wellbeing and enablement

Score: 3

The provider cared about and promoted the wellbeing of their staff, and supported and enabled staff to always deliver person-centred care. Staff we spoke with all told us they enjoyed working for Allestree Health & Homecare Services. A staff member told us, “I love it, I come home happy, and the clients are amazing.” Staff had individual meetings with leaders to review their progress and discuss any issues. Staff were regularly in contact with leaders between meetings and felt able to speak with any leader at any time for support. Staff appreciated that they could work flexibly and valued the teamwork and support the staff team provided to one another. Another staff member said, “This company really do make you feel valued and listened to. They understand we have [commitments outside of work] and they do everything they can to look after you. They are very open, very approachable and we are all a very good team, and all carers are very good and love the job, the clients are all very well looked after.”