- Homecare service
Allestree Health & Homecare Services
Report from 7 January 2025 assessment
On this page
- Overview
- Person-centred Care
- Care provision, Integration and continuity
- Providing Information
- Listening to and involving people
- Equity in access
- Equity in experiences and outcomes
- Planning for the future
Responsive – this means we looked for evidence that the provider met people’s needs. At our last assessment we rated this key question good. At this assessment the rating has remained good. This meant people’s needs were met through good organisation and delivery.
This service scored 75 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.
Person-centred Care
The provider made sure people were at the centre of their care and treatment choices and they decided, in partnership with people, how to respond to any relevant changes in people’s needs. People’s care was person-centred. A relative told us, “They have really listened to [person] and have treated them as a person.” A person told us they could change the day of their call if they went to stay with their family. People’s care plans were written with them and with their families if appropriate. We saw these reflected people’s individual needs, likes and wishes. Changes were clearly identified when people’s needs changed. These actions helped to ensure people’s care remained person-centred.
Care provision, Integration and continuity
The provider understood the diverse health and care needs of people and their local communities, so care was joined-up, flexible and supported choice and continuity. People’s care was flexible, and people experienced continuity of care. Staff knew people well and were able to provide consistent care to people. A relative said, “We have a morning call to help [person] get up, get showered and dressed. All the staff are the same, so friendly and they all know how to care for [person].” Care plans were in place to help guide staff as to what care people required. Processes were in place to ensure important information about people’s care needs and preferences was shared with relevant healthcare professionals, for example if a person went into hospital. This helped to ensure people’s care needs continued to be understood if they moved into a different setting.
Providing Information
The provider supplied appropriate, accurate and up-to-date information in formats that were tailored to individual needs. People’s communication needs were discussed with them in their initial assessment. Leaders and staff knew people’s communication needs, and these included knowing if a person’s hearing was better on one side than another and making written information available in a larger font. Staff told us how they helped check people’s hearing aids to ensure people could hear them. People felt the information provided by the service was clear and helpful. One person told us, “They provided very clear information on costs, and I understood that.” Relatives appreciated that staff understood their loved ones had good days and bad days, and sometimes required more time to process information. Relatives also found the communication helpful. One relative told us, “They’ve liaised with me and [person] well. Communication is very good I always get a phone call or email if anything changes.”
Listening to and involving people
The provider made it easy for people to share feedback and ideas, or raise complaints about their care, treatment and support. Staff involved people in decisions about their care and told them what had changed as a result. People were given clear information on how to contact leaders and how to make a complaint should they need to. A complaints policy was in place that helped to ensure any complaints would be dealt with openly and fairly. One person told us, “I would ring up to complain if needed, there is information in my care file on how to.” People had completed a survey asking for their views on the service and these had been reviewed by leaders to help them assess people’s satisfaction with their care. People felt able to speak to the staff or leaders. One person said, “They would be happy to listen to anything, I’ve recommended them to other people, I can’t fault them.” A relative told us, “They are really good at listening. We get to see notes in the home, and we have a notepad where we can share messages between us and the carers, the communications are very good. If I have any worries all I need to do is report a problem and it is sorted.” People were listened to and involved.
Equity in access
The provider made sure that people could access the care, support and treatment they needed when they needed it. One person told us after their stroke they struggled with their words however, they said staff understood them well. People received the support they needed to help them understand and access care.
Equity in experiences and outcomes
Staff and leaders actively listened to information about people who are most likely to experience inequality in experience or outcomes and tailored their care, support and treatment in response to this. Care plan assessment processes were followed and these helped to promote equity in people’s experiences and outcomes. For example, they identified if people required the use of any equipment to help them mobilise, or if people had any preferred communication methods. Care plans were designed with people and their families and this helped to identify any barriers to care and how they could be overcome. A relative told us how their family member had been quite anxious about receiving care at first, but they were able to discuss this during the assessment and this then helped the care service be introduced effectively.
Planning for the future
People were supported to plan for important life changes, so they could have enough time to make informed decisions about their future, including at the end of their life. People were able to speak with leaders and staff about any end-of-life care wishes they had. Staff spoke about how they worked with the district nurses during people’s end of life care and how they helped during this time. A member of staff said, “We provide end of life care with as much respect and dignity and with as much care as we can to provide to them to give them comfort and involve their family.” We saw care plans were updated with any changes during people’s end of life care and this helped to ensure people continued to receive responsive care.